
Chapter 246: My hero 4

"I will go get it," Mr Yan assured.

"Okay, be fast, I am starving." He lamented, touching his stomach. 

Mr Yan started packing the pizzas on the table as Ryan walked to him. 

"Grandpa, why don't I help you attend to the other customers?" Ryan inquired.

"You are so thoughtful, but a little kid like you is not supposed to be doing things like this." Mr Yan stated.

"But I want to help." Ryan muttered with pouted lips.

"I know, maybe next time." He started as he grabbed the pizza and took it to the gangsters' table.

Mr Yan wanted to walk away.

"Don't go." He declared 

The gangster opened the first pizza box and grabbed a slice. He put it in his mouth and threw it on the floor immediately.

"Arrgh, my tongue." He grunted as he grabbed the Coca Cola, drank it, and blew it in Mr Yan's face.

'What is this old man? Just say you want to kill me!" The gangster stated, raising his voice.

"What is wrong with it? Tell me, let me fix it." Mr Yan inquired as he attempted to grab another box when the gangster smacked his hand away.

"It's too salty how can you fix that?" He asked bluntly.

Mr Yan wanted to taste it 

"Let it go are you doubting me? Go and make another one." He declared. Ryan was burning with fury at the way the gangster was treating Mr Yan. Raymond was not happy either.

"I can't make another one you haven't paid me for that one." Mr Yan declared.

"How dare you test my patience, old hag?" He asked as he pushed the pizza on the floor. Mr Yan was still cleaning the drink from his face when Ryan walked up to them, spreading his hands.

"Leave my grandpa alone, you meany meany." He muttered, glaring at the gangster who chuckled.

"Go away! Little boy." The gangster stated.

"Ryan, stay out of this, grandpa will handle it." Mr Yan assured.

"No, Grandpa, he's a lunatic; why don't you just go buy food somewhere else?" Ryan started rudely 

"Who are you to talk to me that way?" The gangster stated as he raised his hand to slap Ryan in the blink of an eye.

Raymond cut his hand in the air.

"Let go of my hand." He protested, swaying his hand around Raymond's grip, Raymond wasn't struggling with him as he glared at him. 

"Is this how you treat elderly people? Someone that is old enough to be your father?" Raymond asked, staring at him as he let go of his hand.

"Stay away from this handsome it's between me and him." He stated, hitting his chest.

"I can't help it, just like the kid said, if you are not satisfied with their service, you can go. You are not the only customer in this restaurant." Raymond stated, with his head held high.

"I was just leaving," he muttered as he grabbed his phone from the table.

He attempted to leave when Raymond put his hand on his shoulder and turned him swiftly.