
Chapter 243: My hero

"I didn't mean to come here, but I really need this job." The man muttered.

Daisy took out her files from her bag and stared at them; she wasn't qualified for the job and had no idea if she'd be hired or not.

"Next!!" She heard a voice from inside the office as the other person rushed out of the office crying.

She gripped her dress tightly as she walked into the office.

The man at the table was going through a lot of files on his desk without paying attention to Daisy. She scanned the room with her eyes and spotted the chair she wanted to sit in but was taught by her mother not to sit in, much less asked to.

She stood there staring at the man as he finally looked up at her, adjusting his glasses.

"What's your name?" He asked flatly, extending his hand to her. She wanted to shake him when he retracted his hand.

"Give me the file, stupid." He stated rudely. She gulped and handed him the file. The first thing that came out of his mouth was an insult. This made her feel insecure.

"Wait while I glance through your files." He started pointing the chair at her.

She sat on the chair and stared at him as he looked through her file.

"Hmm." He mumbled as he looked up at her with his hands clasped together.

"Get up, why do you want to work here?" He questioned.

"Because I really need the job, and not just that I promise to be a good employee and never give you a reason to complain." She stated.

"Hmm, I am not satisfied with your answer, but do you know how to keep a secret?" He asked bluntly, her eyes widened.

"Yes, absolutely." She beamed.

"Do you know how to hide things?" He asked she felt a little bit awkward with his questions.

"Yes," she replied.

"Can you run really fast?" He added 

"Yes." She nodded.

"Nice, I will get back to you just write your name on this piece of paper and your number." He stated, handing her a white sheet of paper and a pen. 

She wrote down her name as he stared at her breast through the small opening in her dress. She handed him the paper as he quickly licked his lips.

"You can go." He declared.

"Sir, my file." She stated.

"Here you go." He stated, pushing it into the floor.

"Next!!" He yelled as she picked up the file from the floor and started walking out of his office.

"He didn't even offer me a seat." She grumbled.

Daisy started walking out of the company with a lot of things on her mind. If she would be hired or not, it was her only hope of survival now.

She opened her bag and brought out the last cash as she stopped a taxi.

She opened the door of the taxi and looked back at the company.

"I might come back." She muttered to herself.

"What are you waiting for? Get in the car!!" The driver snapped.