
Chapter 244: My hero 2

Raymond and Mr Josh were in his car, driving to their second branch.

Raymond was busy signing documents in the back seat. 

"Sir, how was your night?" Mr Josh asked in a shaky voice.

"Not bad." Raymond mumbled.

"I heard from Sofia that you didn't have enough sleep yesterday, if you don't take care of yourself, you will start getting dark circles under your eye." Mr Josh stated.

Raymond brought out his phone and started looking at his eyes.

"Impossible." He stated flatly.

"You can have it if you continue being like this." Mr Josh stated.

"I am trying my best to sleep okay, I have been taking my medicine regularly this year and it hasn't affected me." Raymond replied.

"How long will you keep...Raymond couldn't complete his sentence when Mr Josh hit someone with the car.

"What have you done again this time? I am not your boss." Raymond muttered, covering his face with his file.

Mr Josh rushed out of the car and looked At the front, he saw blood stains on the car and Gwen laying on the ground unconscious.

"Oh my God, what have I done!!" Mr Josh exclaimed, tapping her face continuously, but she didn't respond and her face was bleeding.

He moved his face closer to hers. She was still breathing. He put his hand on her chest and started pressing hard, but she didn't respond. He was panting as sweat started to fall from his face.

Raymond was getting impatient in the car as he stepped out to see what happened.

"So it's serious," he stated indifferently.

"Yes it is, I need to take her to the hospital. If not, she will die." Mr Josh muttered, trying to lift Gwen off the ground.

"I can't believe you are so careless. Are you so blind that you can't see that someone is coming?" Raymond asked as people started stopping to look at them. 

"I wanted to press the brake when she rushed into the car," he protested.

"Give her a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation," Raymond declared.

Mr Josh hesitated as Raymond kicked him in the butt. He inhaled and exhaled as he started blowing air into her mouth.

He removed his mouth and started pressing on her chest as she opened her eyes slowly.

"She is awake!!" Mr Josh beamed and he carried her quickly to the car. Raymond moved out of the way as he laid her on the back seat.

Mr Josh entered the car quickly and grabbed the steering wheel.

Raymond hit the glass of the car.

"Are you going to go without me?" Raymond asked.

"I am sorry, boss, but you have an important meeting. I need to take her to the hospital you just have to hire a taxi and go." He beamed and drove off. 

"Mr Josh!!" Raymond yelled at the top of his lungs as he watched him go.

"They have taken her to the hospital." A woman muttered. Raymond glared at them.

"What are you guys waiting for? Go before I arrest you." He threatened.

They all scurried away.