
Chapter 242: Cold husband 2

"I was just looking after Raymond. He couldn't sleep." She whispered.

"Why?" He asked flatly.

"I don't know, but I think he is going through a tough time." She muttered.

Richard was about to grasp the handle of the door when she held his hand.

"Don't disturb him. Let him sleep." She mumbled.

"Didn't you say he couldn't sleep?" He inquired.

"I did say that, but give him some time to rest, will you?" She muttered.

"Alright, I am going to bed, you should go too." Richard stated, walking away.

The next day.

Daisy finished eating with Ryan at the dining table and cleared the table, packing all the plates.

"Mom, why are you in such a hurry today? Where is grandma?" He inquired.

"She is still sleeping go and get your bag." She commanded staring at her wrist watch. He scuttled away.

"What's all that noise?" Mrs Louis inquired, scratching her hair as she walked towards Daisy, who was carrying plates. She looked down at the plates.

"So you guys have eaten without me?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"Yes, but yours is in the kitchen. you can heat it up when you want to eat." She assured. 

Daisy dashed into the bathroom and put the plates on the sink, washing them swiftly.

Mrs Louis stood at the door, staring at her.

"Is this about the interview?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes Mom, I have to go now, don't forget to take Ryan to the school bus. I can't wait any longer." She declared.

"And let him not come to the restaurant today, I have another errand to run for Mr Yan I won't be available that much." Daisy declared...

"Okay, I will." She beamed as she watched Daisy go.

Just after Ryan walked up to her wearing his backpack.

"Good morning, grandma." He beamed as she touched his face firmly. He started looking around.

"Where is mummy?" He inquired.

"She has gone to work, she was in a hurry." She answered.

"Without me?" He muttered, pointing at his chest.

"Don't worry, I will guide you to the school bus." She assured.

"Okay," he replied.

Daisy arrived in front of a company that has a big "k" written at the top.

She paid the driver and walked towards the entrance of the company.

When the security stopped her, she showed him her job application and immediately he moved out of her way as she walked inside with other employees.

A cold breeze hit her skin as she walked inside, hugging herself with her hand.

"It's a hundred degrees here." She muttered, scanning the place with her eyes. When she saw three people sitting in front of an office, she walked over to them.

"Are you guys here for the interview?" She asked bluntly.

"Yes, we are." They all chorused.

She sat next to them and sighed in relief...Minutes later.

They started to increase as they called the second person into the room.

"You have a lot of experience and you are overqualified for this job, you will surely get the post." A woman said, staring at a man.

Author's note

Sorry for posting late guys I was a bit under the weather.