
Chapter 239: Mom where is Daddy?

"Let him bathe himself." Mrs Louis defended.

"But mom...Daisy couldn't complete her sentence when Ryan walked over to her and snatched the sponge from her.

He started walking towards the bathroom.

"Make sure you brush your teeth properly." She stated.

"I will," he answered.

Daisy turned to look at Mrs Louis.

"No matter what you do, he will still bathe himself one day." She stated.

"I know, but isn't it too early?" Daisy asked bluntly.

"Nothing is too early, by the way, the chicken wings were good." She beamed as she collapsed on the couch.

"You like it too much." Daisy snarled.

"So Daisy, what are you going to do with your life?" Mrs Louis inquired. Daisy sat next to her.

"Not again, mom, I have told you I don't want to get married." Daisy protested.

"Why don't you want to get married? Girls your age are already married, if you are thinking that they won't accept Ryan, it's okay. I have a lot of single fathers of two or one that will accept you and Ryan." Mrs Louis assured bringing out her phone.

"Come on, single father, I can't accept someone into my life, let alone a new child."Daisy declared.

"What about Gwen? Have you seen her lately?" Mrs Louis inquired.

"I haven't, and that reminds me i wanted to give her a call." Daisy muttered, taking her phone from the table. 

"Before you do that, take a look at the groom's; they are not that old." She assured showing her phone to Daisy, who pushed it away and grabbed her phone.

She was about to dial Gwen's number when the phone started ringing.

It was an incoming call from Mr Yan.

"Hello." She muttered.

"I just wanted to inform you that the interview is tomorrow." He stated.

"Tomorrow, but you said I could work for one month." She replied.

"Yes you can, they are only interviewing now, not hiring yet." He assured.

"Okay, thanks for the information, I will go there first thing tomorrow morning." She declared. 

"Good." He stated and hung up.

Mrs Louis hovered around her.

"Which interview?" Mrs Louis asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"Mr Yan wants to go back to China at month's end, so he has found another job for me." She informed.

"What kind of job....they both paused as they heard Ryan singing in the bathroom.

🎵I am a super man, yaay!🎵

"He could be a great musician one day; he has such a cute voice." Mrs Louis muttered.

"Keep it down, Ryan!!" Daisy yelled.

"Stop it why are you being hard on the boy? I am going to bed." Mrs Louis said as she got up from the couch and scurried away.

Daisy sat on the couch, tapping her feet, waiting for Ryan, who was still bathing.

She stomped to the bathroom and opened the door.

As she walked inside.

"Ahh!" Ryan screamed, tying a towel around his chest.

She grasped his hand. 

"Let go, you have had enough." She declared, dragging him out of the bathroom, and he followed her