
Chapter 240: Mom,Where is Dad?

Daisy took a blue pajama from the closet and tossed it at Ryan.

He cut it and started putting it on.

"Mom, my friends tease me that I don't have a father." He stated.

Daisy was puzzled. She didn't know what to say as he finished wearing the pajamas and ran to her, holding her hand.

"Speak to me, mom; I have a father, right?" He inquired.

Daisy knew Ryan wasn't ready to let her go until she answered his question.

"Yes-yes you have a father, but he is in New York now." She beamed.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" He inquired.

"He asked me not to tell you for now." She stated.

"You are lying, mom; you have never mentioned Daddy, not even once, since I was born." He snarled.

"That's because you are too small to know his whereabouts." She stated 

"Liar! Who told you I am too little to know his whereabouts? Where is Daddy?" He inquired.

"I have told you he is in New York." She stated.

"I want to go to New York." He stated, staring into her eyes.

"You don't want to go there? I am with you, my darling." She muttered, trying to embrace him.

He moved back.

"No, I want my daddy!" He exclaimed and burst into tears.

She hugged him forcefully and started stroking his back as he moved in her arms.

"I will take you to see Daddy. just give me some time to gather some money, okay?" She asked, and he nodded as she let go of him and squatted down to his level, patting his hair.

"You promise?" He inquired.

"Yes, I promise." She answered.

"Yaay?" He squealed and kissed her on the cheek.

"I will show my classmates that I have a father." He stated as he jumped onto the bed.

Daisy stared at him and sighed. She knew he would ask her about his father one day, but not this early.

She joined him on the bed and cuddled him.

"I love you, mummy." He muttered, blowing kisses at her.

"I love you too, go to bed." she declared.

He slowly closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

At the mansion.

When Sofia entered Raymond's room, he was sleeping on the bed.

He turned to the entrance to look at the person.

She started tip-toeing into the room, thinking he was asleep.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Ahh! So you are awake?"she mumbled.

"Why wouldn't I?" He inquired.

"But it's already late." She answered.

"You haven't answered me what are you doing here?" He asked in a cold tone as he sat up on the bed.

She looked around.

"I saw that the lights were still on and I wanted to come turn them off." She declared, avoiding his gaze.

"That's none of your business go to bed." He declared, looking at the short, seductive pajamas she was putting on.

"And don't wear such little things to my room again." He declared, and she gulped and turned to look at him.