
Chapter 238: The man of the house 4

Raymond spotted a tiny stain on the table and started using his handkerchief to clean it when Mrs Kingston walked heavily into the house with a scrunched face.

She strolled to the dining table and dropped her bag on the table. Raymond looked up at her.

"Why are you so angry?" He asked.

"Can you believe I saw Da?" she paused.

"You saw who?" He was confused.

"It was a little boy that was pissing me off. He was so rude that I don't even know how to describe it." She grumbled.

"I thought you liked kids a lot," he added.

"I do, but this one was a pain in the butt." She groaned.

"Calm down, he is not here, I would like to see the kid that got you this angry." He teased with a smile.

She opened her eyes wide in astonishment. She hadn't seen him smile for a long time, and it calmed her down.

"What?" He inquired.

"Nothing." She replied.

"What is taking them so long?" Raymond groaned, grabbing a spoon from the table.

Sofia and Mr Josh escorted the chefs to the dining table as they arranged the food on the table. 

They both took their seats as the chef dished out the food.

Raymond grabbed his food and started eating.

"Vegetables?" Mrs Kingston mumbled it was more like a question.

"Eat it, it's healthy for an old woman like you." He replied.

She felt embarrassed and started touching her face.

"Am I that old?" She inquired.

"You are not, you are still beautiful." Sofia beamed, winking at her.

"Stop lying to her and eat your food." Raymond declared as she bowed her head immediately and started eating.

"By the way, where is Dad?" Sofia inquired.

"He called me earlier and said he wouldn't be coming home today." Mrs Kingston replied.

Richard ambled into the house and walked straight to the dining table.

"Good evening, beautiful people." He beamed as he drew out a chair and sat on it.

He smiled as no one answered him. They were all busy eating their food. He scanned their food with his eyes and opened the dish in the middle of the table.

"Vegetables again?" He asked bluntly.

"Yes, so shut up and eat." Raymond declared.

He started rubbing his stomach.

"Oh, I nearly forgot. I have eaten." Richard remarked as he got up from the chair.

"Stop talking and eat your food." Raymond announced drinking water. He screwed up his face and sat down slowly.

At Daisy's house

Daisy was running around the house chasing Ryan.

"Come here, come and bathe or the water will get cold." She stated, and he ran to Mrs Louis arms.

"Tell Mom I don't want her to bathe me, she will see my little Prince." He stated.

"But I am your mother." Daisy protested.

"You are my mother, but I am old enough to bathe myself." He said, with pouted lips.

"Who said that you are just 6 years old?" Daisy stated.

"I am seven." He protested 

"You are six you will turn seven in one week's time." She stated, and he burst into tears looking at Mrs Louis.

"Mom, I don't want her to bathe me," he said, sobbing as he hugged her leg, she stroke his hair.

"Mom, don't listen to him, he is blackmailing you." Daisy protested as she saw the smirk on Ryan's face.