
Chapter 237: The man of the house 3

Raymond took off his jacket and tossed it to Mr Josh who caught it.

"Go and look at what the chef is cooking and make sure it's vegetables." He declared.

"Yes sir," Mr Josh stated as he watched Raymond walk up the stairs.

"Phew! He sighed, using his hand to wipe sweat off his face as he made his way into the kitchen and sighted Sofia there. She

was sitting on top of a counter with a plate in her hand eating fried chicken.

She smiled widely at him as she saw him chewing the chicken in her mouth continuously. 

"Is my husband back?" She asked bluntly.

"Obviously." He replied as he handed over the jacket to a maid, who collected it and rushed out of the kitchen.

Mr Josh rushed to the chef, who was cooking.

"What are you guys cooking?" He inquired.

"The usual vegetables." They replied.

"Then what is Miss Sofia eating? I want that." Mr Josh declared, licking his lips.

"We can't make chicken for you; it's against the rules." One of the chefs replied.

"But you made it for her." He protested, glaring at her."She is...the chef couldn't complete his sentence when a maid ran into the kitchen.

"What's the matter?" Sofia inquired.

"The king is coming." She muttered Sofia quickly jumped down from the counter and hid the plate behind her back as Raymond made his way into the kitchen.

He took a handglove from the chef and used it to open the vegetables on the fire, sniffing them.

"Nice, I hope the salt is a pinch?" He inquired.

"Yes." The chef both chorused in a shaky voice.

Raymond closed the pot and his eyes drifted to Sofia, who was giving him a toothy smile with her hands behind her back.

"What are you hiding?" He asked, walking closer to her.

"No, no nothing." She stuttered as she quickly made the food fall into the trash.

He walked closer to her until she was in front of the counter.

He moved his face closer to hers and started sniffing her face. 

"What were you eating?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Nothing." She muttered, hiding her greasy hand.

"Very well, have the others come back home?" He inquired.

"They haven't." She replied.

"Not even mom?" He asked.

"She went out to see a friend. She isn't back yet." She replied.

"Okay." He stated flatly and started walking towards the door. She gazed at her food in the trash and started making gestures at him.

They all sighed in relief as he walked out of the kitchen.

"I can't believe he wants me to also leave in this bondage." Mr Josh groaned.

"Why does he force us to eat vegetables in the evening?" Sofia inquired.

"That's because his doctor recommended it; it's very healthy." Mr Josh replied with a snarky remark.

"Anyway, I have had enough chicken for one day." She muttered.

"Lucky you."

Raymond sat on a big chair in the middle of the dining table and rested his hand on the arm rest and crossed his legs, waiting for the food.