
Chapter 235: The man of the house

"So you are not married? I am not surprised at what kind of man would like to marry a woman like you." she snarled, lifting her upper lip in disgust. 

"Maybe he's the father of my baby." Daisy replied, rolling her eyes.

"Who is the father of your...Ryan cut in

"Mom, how do you know this woman?" Ryan inquired, glaring at Mrs Kingston.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go, my boy." Daisy declared, grabbing his hand.

Mrs Kingston watched them go, burning with rage as she walked after them.

Mr Yan approached Daisy as he stole a glance at Ryan.

"What happened? While I was not here?" Daisy inquired, looking around the restaurant.

"That crappy old woman was torturing your son." He replied. 

"How can you let her do that?" Daisy stated, raising her voice. She was very protective when it came to her son.

Mrs Kingston walked past them.

"Madam, what about the food you ordered?" Mr Yan asked, staring at her.

She grabbed her bag from the table. 

"I am leaving." She declared and adjusted her sun glasses before walking away.

"Miss wait!" Mr Yan exclaimed, extending his hand to her.

"Let her go, trust me you don't want people like her in your restaurant." Daisy declared.

Ryan held Daisy's hand, looking into her eyes.

"Mom, I want to go home." he muttered.

She glanced at her wrist watch.

"It's not yet time, just one hour more." She replied.

"But mom, I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to go see Grandma." He whined.

"You will go, just wait a little longer." Daisy muttered as he let go of her hand.

"I will go by myself." He said confidently.

"It's too late; you can't go anywhere." She declared.

"I am a man, mom. I came here myself, didn't I?" He inquired.

"It's very late at night, I can let...Mr Yan sighed and cut in.

"Don't worry, you can go home since he wants to go home. It's not a big deal." He assured.

"Are you serious?" Daisy asked with a little bit of happiness in her voice.

"Yes," he replied.

"Yaay!! Thank you Grandpa." Ryan beamed as he hugged Mr Yan. 

"Go get your bag, let's go." Daisy declared as he scuttled away.

She turned to look at Mr Yan.

"I need chicken wings for my mom." Daisy declared.

"You mean the regular amount?" He asked.

"Yes." She answered. She walked to the staff room to get her bag.

On the road. 🚗 

Raymond and Mr Josh were in Raymond's car driving home when Mr Josh turned to look at Raymond, who was resting his head on the car staring at his phone.

Raymond's face was still glued to his phone.

"What are you staring at?" He asked coldly.

Mr Josh parked the car in the middle of the road.

"Why did you stop?" Raymond inquired.

"Sir, I was wondering when you'd start resting.I am worried about your health. You spend a lot of time at the office working your butt off, although you are the boss." Mr Josh stated.