
Chapter 234: Evil grandma 4

"Isn't that Mrs Kingston?" One mumbled.

"What is she doing sitting there? Spank the kid already." Another one added. 

Hearing this, Mrs Kingston blood started boiling. She gnashed her teeth and stood up from the chair as Ryan started laughing at her in an annoying way as the water dripped down her face.

"You little rat!!" She cursed, walking closer to him.

He started running away from her as she ran after him, Mr Yan was carrying the food she ordered when Ryan bumped into him and all the food he was holding fell to the floor, including the coffee, which spilled on Mrs Kingston's leg.

"Ahh!!" She screamed as she stood on one foot and started using her hand to rub the other one that the coffee touched.

"Caught that little brat for me." She declared, pointing at Ryan, who was staring at her from a corner.

"I will get you!" She exclaimed as she took off her heels and tossed them to the floor.

"Madam, come down; he is just a little kid." Mr Yan stated preventing her from going to Ryan.

"A little kid that is very wicked? Get out of my way or I will arrest you." She threatened. Mr Yan was helpless as he moved out of her way. 

She started walking heavily towards Ryan, who was running in the direction of the bathroom.

Mrs Kingston followed him.

"Little boy, come out of your cage." She stated she was looking around the place when she sighted Ryan, who was banging on the door of a room in the ladies' room.

She smiled evilly and started towards him. His back landed on the wall as he looked at her, terrified.

"You think you can run from me, huh?" She asked coldly as she raised her hand to slap him. He looked at her, closing his eyes tightly.

Daisy held her hand in mid-air before her hand could touch him. Mrs Kingston opened her eyes wide in surprise as she spotted Daisy.

Daisy let go of her hand.

"Da Da Daisy." She stuttered, with her mouth agape.

Ryan opened his eyes and hugged Daisy.

"Mummy." He mumbled.

"Mummy? You are a mom?" She asked, with her mouth hanging loosely. 

Daisy folded her hand across her chest, glaring.

"It's been a long time since I've seen my mother-in-law." She snarled.

"Who is your mother-in-law? Raymond is no longer married to you; he has moved on with his life." She stated.

"I know, and it's none of my business; I want you to keep your distance from my son." Daisy stated in a cold tone.

"So you are the one that gave birth to this brat that doesn't have manners? Wow, what a mother you are." Mrs Kingston snarled.

"I don't care what you think about my son, but I don't tolerate anyone trying to hit him, I am the only one allowed to do that." Daisy declared.

"Wow, you have changed a lot over the years, you have even married and given birth to a son." Mrs Kingston remarked.

"Who said I am married?" Daisy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Author's note 

Guys check out my friends books her author name is Zainab Delu 

1. Brutal 2. The things between us 3. Had I known 4. Loose end 😁