
Chapter 230: Another job

"I understand, but you can just leave the restaurant to me, I will hire chefs and cooks to assist me. I will be sending you money every month." She declared.

"You don’t understand, my dear, I have already thought it through and I have already seen someone that is ready to buy this restaurant." He stated.

"You made such a decision behind my back? I thought I was like a daughter to you?" she asked.

"You are, but the truth be told, you can’t handle this restaurant. There are too many expenses, and you won’t be able to manage everything." He assured.

"Why don’t you just give me a try?" she asked.

"The business here is not moving like before, and secondly, I still have to pay electricity and so on. It’s very hard to run a business like this one, my dear Think about it." He stated. Daisy sighed.

"I don’t know anything about this business, but since you insist that you want to sell this place, it’s okay. I will go look for something else." She muttered, avoiding his gaze.

"About that, I think I have found a job for you." He stated as he pushed an envelope forward. She grabbed the envelope and opened it.

"It’s an office job." She muttered.

"Yes, my son found it for you." He beamed.

"Thank you so much." She beamed, with tears almost coming out of her eyes.

"You are getting emotional." He muttered as he handed her a handkerchief. She used it to wipe her tears.

"You can go for the job interview tomorrow," he stated.

"Thank you, so when are you closing down this place?" she inquired.

"This month end, but you can still work here till then." He muttered.

"Okay." She replied, holding the envelope close to her chest as he got up from the chair and scurried away.

She sighed, looking at the remaining customers in the restaurant who were eating. She glanced at her wrist watch.

"It’s almost time." She muttered, staring at the entrance of the shop when she sighted Ryan.

She smiled widely at him, spreading her hand to embrace him when he ran past her and went to hug Mr Yan.

"Good afternoon, grandpa." He beamed.

"Afternoon, my boy, how was school today?" he inquired.

"It was fine, I went to give my friends the invitation card I made." He beamed.

"For your birthday, right?" he inquired.

"Yes, you will come to my birthday, right?" he asked, battling his lashes.

"I will definitely come." He beamed.

Daisy cleared her throat.

"Go and greet your mom." Mr Yan commanded.

"Mummy!!" he yelled, running to Daisy as she hugged him.

"I thought I was invisible." She mumbled.

"Who said that?" he inquired.

"No one since you ignored me just now." She stated.

"Sorry mom, I just wanted to talk to Grandpa." He muttered, drawing his ears.

"It’s okay, I forgive you." She beamed.

"What would you like to eat?" she inquired.

"Calm down, mom, I just got here." He said as he sat on the chair and put his backpack on the table.

Author's note

Rate and review a new chapter has began, i am starting to like little Ryan already.