
Chapter 231: Evil grandma

Ryan brought out a book and a pen from his bag and placed them on the table, staring at Daisy, who was staring at him with her hand on her face.

"Why are you staring at me, mom, don't you have customers to attend to?" He asked, glaring at her.

"They are all eating, I just want to keep you company." She muttered, scattering his hair with her head. 

He smacked her hand off.

"Mom, you are ruining my hair." He  whined.

"Stay here. I will go get something for you." She stated.

"No mom, I am not hungry yet, he protested.

"I don't care." She snarled and walked over to Mr Yan who was mixing drinks.

"That your little boy is too wise for his age." Mr Yan commented.

"I know right, he is so stubborn, I don't know where he got the character from." She muttered staring at him, 

"What about his father?" He asked. Daisy's face flushed, 

"What about his father?" Mr Yan repeated. Daisy was lost in thought, standing in front of him.

He snapped his finger on her face, bringing her back from her trance.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked bluntly.

"I just came here to buy chicken wings for my son." She beamed.

He took a plate and started dishing out the chicken wings inside.

Daisy started hearing music as she turned back to look at where the music was coming from.

Two musicians were standing at the entrance of the restaurant playing music together. One was playing a violin, while the other was playing a guitar.

Ryan smiled widely and dropped his book as he ran over to them and stood in front of them staring at them.

"What are they doing here? Since when did you start employing musicians?" Daisy inquired.

"I didn't employ them, my son did. He just wanted to make a change in the restaurant. Maybe we could get more customers." Mr Yan replied.

"That's nice, I can see the customers are enjoying the music." Daisy commented.

"Mostly Ryan," He added.  Daisy narrowed her eyes at him. He was hovering around the musicians.

"Sir, can you lend me your guitar?" He inquired.

"This boy just likes music so much." Daisy groaned as she started walking towards him.

"Go away, boy." One of the musicians stated, while pushing Ryan, that he nearly fell.

Daisy cut him off and glared at them.

"Where are your manners? Is this how you treat little kids?" She asked, glaring at them.

"He is a pest. Take him away." They scoffed.

Daisy didn't want to argue with them. She looked down at Ryan, who looked away immediately.

"I thought you were doing your homework?" She asked, glaring at him.

"I was doing it." He mumbled.

"What are you doing here? Now go!" She commanded, glaring at him. He folded his hand with his lip in a pout as he walked to his seat.

"She is the mother of the boy. Why would she leave him to walk around?" One of the musicians commented as they stopped playing music.