
Chapter 229: Another job

"You know why I am here?" He declared.

"I have told you so many times that Daisy doesn’t live here anymore." Mrs Louis declared.

"Where does she live now?" Richard asked bluntly. Mrs Louis glared at him, shaking her head.

"She lives at her husband's house now." She replied.

"What! She is married?" he asked with his mouth hanging loosely.

"Yes, why are you surprised? Don’t you want her to get married?" Mrs Louis asked.

"I want her but…Mrs Louis cut in.

"But what? You want her to go back to your brother, chasing him like a gold digger?" Mrs Louis snarled.

"That’s not what I want her to do, I just want her to stick around him and help him regain his memory." Richard explained.

"So the billionaire has lost his memory, interesting." She commented.

"What do you mean by interesting? Please, I need to talk to Daisy just this once." Richard begged.

"I have told you she doesn’t want to see anyone from your family again. She has moved on." She replied, glaring at him.

"Please help me. I just want her to meet up with him just once." He pleaded.

"To do what?" she inquired, her brow furrowed.

"To maybe talk to him or….she slammed the door in his face.

"Go away and never show your face here again." She declared and walked away.

"Damn it!!" Richard cursed as he kicked the air and hustled back to his car.

"How did it go?" Dave inquired as he sat in the car.

Richard glared at him. He smiled nervously and faced forward as he ignited the engine and drove off.

Daisy arrived at work.

"Good morning, Mr yan." She beamed, walking over to him on the counter as he tossed her a white apron.

"A new apron." She muttered, tying it around her waist.

"Yes, I wanted to talk to you about something." He stated.

"You can tell me, I am all ears." She beamed with a toothy smile.

"Miss strawberry punch, please." A customer ordered, raising his hand at Daisy.

Mr Yan passed her the strawberry punch.

She carried it and dropped it on the customer's table.

"Miss, I want pasta." Another one ordered.

"I just want liquor." Another one added. She sighed.

and walk over to Mr Yan.

"I guess the thing you want to talk to me about can wait." She muttered.

"Yes, it can." He replied.

Three hours later.

Daisy fell on a chair, exhausted as she put her head on a table, sweating continuously.

Mr Yan walked over to her and she looked up at him as he sat opposite her on the table. 

"About the thing I wanted to tell you…she cut in.

"Wait." She muttered as she grabbed a glass of water from the table and drank it all in one go.

"Shoot! " She declared.

"It’s about this restaurant, I have decided that I want to sell it and go back to China." He stated.

"Why?" she asked bluntly.

"I am getting old, I can’t run this business anymore." He declared.