
Chapter 227: New Raymond

When Sofia walked into the room, Raymond walked out of the bathroom using a towel to pat his hair dry.

"Where are my clothes?" he inquired.

"I haven’t brought them out." She muttered

"Will I tell you before you know your job!!" he scolded. She looked down, petrified.

"I will take it out now." She declared.

"What are you doing standing there? Be fast!!" he declared as he walked over to the mirror. She glared at him and walked to the closet and started going through his clothes. She took out a wine suit and dropped it on the bed along with a tie. She looked at the bed. There was something missing.

She opened the closet door and looked at his many boxers and took one of them out and dropped it on the bed.

Raymond finished brushing his hair when he walked to the bed and spotted his boxer.

"Who gave you the right to touch my boxer?" he ranted. Sofia looked down shyly, avoiding his gaze.

"No one." She replied

"Then why did you touch it? Take this out!" He declared and grabbed the boxer with one finger and tossed it to her. It landed on her face as she held it and started sniffing it.

"Get out!" he declared.

"Okay, sir." She muttered and ran out of his room.

Raymond finished wearing his clothes and was putting on his Rolex wrist watch when his door flew open. Mrs Kingston enters, a big smile on her face.

"What do you want?" he asked, coldly glaring at her.

"I want you to take it easy with Sofia, she is your wife, not a maid." Mrs Kingston stated.

"She is my wife, that means I can treat her the way I like." He declared.

"But…" she didn’t complete her sentence when he walked out on her. She fell on the bed.

"Gosh! I don’t like the new Raymond." She muttered. Sofia rushed into the room and shut the door.

"How did it go? What did he say?" she asked softly.

"He didn’t listen to me. He totally ignored me." Mrs Kingston grumbled, putting her hand on her face.

"I don’t like the new Raymond, he is so cold and a badass." Sofia complained.

"At least he sees you as his wife, and has completely forgotten about Daisy." Mrs Kingston beamed.

"I know that, but he doesn’t treat me like his wife. He hasn’t even had sex with me since we got married. You know, he just had to believe that I am his wife since we showed him our marriage certificate." Sofia stated.

"He is so hard to deal with now. Sometimes I wish his memory would come back...Sofia cut in.

"You mean his personality?" Sofia corrected.

"Personality whatever, now he is a workaholic." Mrs Kingston groaned.

"I have hired a spy to follow him around just to be sure Daisy doesn’t show up in his life again." Sofia beamed.

"They even told me Raymond is planning to buy his own house and move out of here." She added.