
Chapter 226: New lifestyle

Seven years later.

"Ryan! Ryan! Daisy started yelling as she walked out of the kitchen.

"Where are you, you little rascal? You will be late for school." Daisy yelled.

"I am coming, mom, I just need to take the birthday cards I made for my birthday." He beamed.

"Come here!!" she yelled, and he ran to her, wearing his backpack as he smiled widely at her. Daisy stroked his hair firmly, and he turned to her as she started arranging his lunch box in his bag. He was like Raymond; he had obsidian hair and jade green eyes.

"Where are all your books?" she asked, as she sighted only a birthday card in his bag. 

"I gave my friend my book yesterday because I wouldn’t be able to carry my books with the birthday card." He muttered.

"Why will you do that? What about your homework?" she inquired.

"I have thought of that, he will do it for me." He replied.

"I don’t want this to repeat itself, or else we are not going to celebrate your birthday." Daisy threatened. he dragged his bag away from her.

"You always threaten him with that all the time." Mrs Louis muttered.

"Grandma." Ryan yelled, running to her as he stuck out his tongue at Daisy.

"Don’t mind her." Mrs Louis beamed.        

"Mom, you are spoiling him." She protested.

They both ignored her.

"Take, I bought the chocolate you asked for yesterday." Mrs Louis beamed, handing him a chocolate bar. He took it from her and smiled widely at her.

"Thank you grandma, you are the best!!" he exclaimed, blowing kisses at her with his little mouth.

"Let’s go." Daisy declared as she grabbed his hand and started leading him out of the house.

"Don’t mind your mom, she is just jealous." Mrs Louis stated.

Daisy and Ryan stood in front of the house looking at the road as Daisy stared at her wrist watch.

"Why isn’t the bus here yet?" he asked.

"They are on their way, when you come back from school, remember to come meet me at the restaurant." she beamed.

"I will, mom." He replied as the bus pulled over in front of them with other kids rushing into the bus.  Daisy kept an eye on Ryan, who entered the bus smiling brightly. He waved her goodbye from inside the bus as it took off.

"He has become my only happiness in this world, my little angel, my husband, my everything. I don’t need to get married to any man, I want to be a single mother only for Ryan." She muttered to herself.

"Since when did you start talking to yourself, don’t forget to bring me the chicken wings I asked for." Mrs Louis stated, sticking her head out of the house.

"I didn’t forget. Thanks for reminding me." She stated, rolling her eyes.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I have found a new groom for you, don’t you want to go see him?" Mrs Louis inquired. Daisy groaned, putting her hand on her face as she stopped a taxi.  That has been Mrs Louis's motive for a long time now, looking for suitors for her, which she doesn’t go to meet.

"Daisy!" Mrs Louis called out to her.

She entered the taxi.

"Talk to you later!!" Daisy yelled as the taxi took off.