
Chapter 225: Life goes on 2

"I don’t care how much is the pay?" she asked bluntly.

"2,000 dollars a month." He declared. Daisy's jaw dropped as she battled her lashes. The money was too small.

"You won’t have to work every hour of the day." He protested.

"I will work, so when can I start?" she asked. He smiled brightly.

"You can start tomorrow, I am Mr Yan." He beamed, extending his hand to her. She took his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Mr Yan. I am Daisy, I will be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." She stated, with a toothy smile.

"Nice, if you come tomorrow, I will tell you all you need to know about the job." He declared.

"Thank you." She muttered.

She faced her food as he scurried away.

She finished eating and paid the bill before walking out of the restaurant. She hired a taxi home. She started heading to the front door when a little girl bumped into her and hugged her. Daisy was confused, staring at the child.

"Who are you, little one?" She inquired, squatting to the child’s level.

"Mama." The girl muttered something in the cutest voice. Daisy had never heard her heart keep a beat. She stared at the child. She was so cute as Daisy stroked her hair.

"I am not your mummy, tell me where your mummy is so I can look for her for you." Daisy muttered

"You are my mummy." She muttered with pouted lips, which Daisy found cute, as a woman approached them and dragged the child away from Daisy.

"I apologize, Miss, for my child’s behavior." The woman apologized.

"It’s okay." Daisy beamed and started walking away. She entered her house and saw her mom watching a movie on the couch. She joined her on the couch.

"You are unusually early." Mrs Louis muttered.

"That’s because I got fired from my job." Daisy groaned.

"What! Why?" Mrs. Louis was curious.

"I haven’t been to work for a long time, but the billionaire hired someone to replace me. the person he hired has taken the job away from me, my boss likes him more than me." Daisy muttered with her eyebrows lowered and pulled together.

"Come here, you." Mrs Louis stated and embraced her.      

"You have gone through a lot in the past few days, that doesn’t mean you will stop living. Challenges are part of life." Mrs Louis muttered.

"I know I have gotten another job, but it’s as a waitress, the pay is not that much, but I will manage as no other company will like to employ a pregnant woman." She beamed.

"Does that mean you are going to keep the baby?" she inquired.

"Yes." Daisy mumbled, avoiding her gaze. Mrs Louis smiled brightly and hugged her tightly. Daisy couldn’t breathe.

"Too much closeness." She mumbled.

"Sorry." Mrs Louis apologized as she let go of her.

"I will be off to bed now." Daisy beamed.

"Why, it's so early, aren't you going to eat?" she inquired.

"I will pass." Daisy muttered as she scurried away.