
Chapter 224: Life goes on

"So are you trying to say you have taken over my job?" she asked.

"Yes," he muttered. Daisy opened her mouth to say something when Mrs Jennifer cut in.

"You heard him right, so you can leave the door is that way?" Mrs Jennifer stated, pointing at the door.

Daisy didn’t know what to do, her life had started getting hard since Raymond was in a coma. She didn’t want to live her life like this.

She started walking out of the shop, fighting the tears back the tears in her eyes as she sighted Sofia walking towards her. She was putting on sunglasses.

"What are you doing here?" Sofia inquired. Daisy ignored her and walked past her.

"Daisy, be strong." She consoled herself as she stopped a taxi heading to Gwen’s company.

She arrived at Gwen's company, walking inside as all the employees started looking at her with their eyes never leaving her body.

She stopped an employee to ask about Gwen. It was her first time at her company.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where Miss Gwen is?" She asked politely. The employee scanned her with his eyes.

"She's out of town," he said.

"Out of town? Are you serious about what you are telling me?" she inquired.

"Why would I joke about something like that?" he asked.

"It’s okay, thank you." Daisy beamed and held on tightly to her bag as she walked out of the company.

She stopped in a nearby restaurant to grab a drink. She sat on an empty chair. She looked around the restaurant, but she couldn’t see any waiters. She spotted an old man walking towards her with a menu. He looked like a Chinese man. He handed the menu to her. She took it from him and started looking at it.

"How may I help you?" he asked, bowing slightly. Daisy scanned the menu with her eyes and pointed at the cheapest dish she could find on the menu and ordered liquor to go with it.

He walked away with the menu. Daisy sat there waiting for her dish as customers started murmuring 

"What kind of restaurant is this that doesn’t have a waiter?" a woman complained.

"I heard his employee quit a few days ago, and he hasn’t seen a new employee yet." Another one added.

"He should look for an employee or close down the restaurant." A woman snarled.

"Why would you say something like that? It seems like it’s his only source of income." Another one defended.

Listening to their conversation, an idea popped into Daisy’s head. She decided to apply for a job as a waitress because she was pregnant and no one would hire her.

The old man came, sweating as he dropped her dishes on the table. He turned to go when she called out to him.

"I heard you are looking for an employee. I would like to work." She stated. He turned to look at her and smiled widely at her.

"I don’t think you will like to work here, the money is not that much." He protested. She weirdly stared at him.