
Chapter 223: Fired

"You can afford a real doctor what makes you think you can afford a quack doctor?" Mrs Louis questioned.

"There is no harm in trying. I will ask Gwen about it. She has a doctor." Daisy muttered. Mrs Louis held her hand, looking into her eyes.

"I know I was right about Chris, but I am having a second thought about this abortion. It’s not like I am doing all this for money, think about it." She mumbled. Daisy wipes her eyes with the back of her palm.

"I will think about it, what is there to eat?" she asked, walking towards the kitchen.

"I didn’t prepare that much, just a light snack." She stated, following Daisy into the kitchen.

The next day.

Daisy strolled out of her room wearing a black dress and holding her waist. 

She walked into the kitchen to look for food, she started opening all the pots, but there was no food in the kitchen.

She sauntered to Mrs Louis's door and knocked on the door.

"Yes, come in." Mrs Louis answered.

"I am going to work." Daisy muttered without opening the door.

"Okay darling, take care." She replied.         

Daisy sighed and ambled to the door.

Minutes later.

She arrived at work and inhaled the fresh air as she followed models into the shop.

She saw Mrs Jennifer taking pictures of models, and the models were also gathering someone else. It must be the photographer Raymond hired to replace her.

She walked to Mrs Jennifer, who stopped snapping and looked at her.

"You are finally here. I thought you were never going to come back I was getting used to this new employee, he is a natural." She beamed. Daisy looked in the direction of the photographer but didn’t see his face because of the models that were hovering around him.

"Well, I am back and I want to start working now." Daisy stated confidently. Mrs Jennifer chuckled.

"Can you speak louder so I can’t hear you?" She mumbled.

"I said I want to start working now!" Daisy yelled.

"I am afraid you can’t do that. I don’t want to be rude, but I like this new employee now and I don’t see a need for you to work here again." Mrs Jennifer snarled. Her eyes widened.

"Are you trying to say you have fired me?" she asked bluntly.

"You can take it that way." She stated.

"But I was the one that hired him to replace me, I can ask him to quit." Daisy declared.

"You can go and ask him to leave. If he leaves, you can take your job back." Mrs Jennifer stated.

"Okay, just a piece of cake." Daisy muttered, flexing. She strode over to the photographer and touched his shoulder. He turned to look at her.

"How may I help you, Miss?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"I am Raymond Kingston’s wife, the real owner of this job. I want to ask you to leave." She stated.

"I have become accustomed to this job. I know I came here because of your husband, but I love this job now." He stated Daisy's jaw dropped.