
Chapter 222: Heartbroken ?

"Chris, please hear me out!!" She yelled, crying continuously as she stood outside the house. The girl slammed the door in her face. She stood by the door and started hitting it hard with her hands, turning bright red.

She collapsed on the ground and rested her head on the door, sobbing continuously. 

Events of her mom and Gwen insulting Chris started playing in her head as she ran her hands through her hair and held it tightly while crying on the ground. She was heartbroken.

"I can't believe I still love him after all this, and it hurts a lot." She mumbled, putting her hand on her chest.

Mr. Josh approached Richard and Mrs. Kingston, who were the only ones left at the hospital waiting for Raymond to recover, with his head bandaged and staring at them.

Mrs Kingston looked at him from top to bottom.

"How come you are still fit and healthy?" She asked, glaring at him.

"That's because he was the driver. The air balloon must have helped him." Richard muttered.

"You have failed as an assistant, you couldn't protect your boss or risk your life for him." Mrs Kingston snarled.

"I didn't know something like that would happen." He protested.

"Oh shut up, you are fired!" She exclaimed.

"Mom, you can't fire him, Raymond employed him." Richard commented.

Mr Josh nodded as she shot him a dagger eye.

"So where is the boss?" Mr Josh inquired.

"Arrgh." Mrs Kingston groaned, putting her hand on her face.

"He is in a coma." Richard declared Mr Josh's jaw dropped.

"I hope he recovers soon," He muttered.

"He will, come let's go home mom." He muttered, helping her off the chair as they both started walking out of the hospital, with Mr Josh walking behind them.

Daisy started walking down the streets, devastated that she had no where to go.

She arrived at her doorstep and rang the doorbell. Mr Louis opened the door and glared at her.

"So you came back how did you pay the hospital bill? Where you able to get to abort the baby?" She asked, staring at her.

Daisy burst into tears and hugged her tightly...

Mrs Louis started stroking her back, wondering why she was acting that way.

"Mom Chris broke up with me, it turns out that he is a liar and a cheat." She mumbled, sobbing in her arms.

Mrs Louis was not surprised. As she sniffed Daisy's hair, which reeked of alcohol,

"I told you, but you fail to listen to me, stop crying don't waste your tears on that worthless jerk." She cursed with her lips pursed tightly together. 

"I can't help it, it's hurting so much." 

"Try to control yourself, Chris doesn't deserve you, if he wanted to get married to you, I would have rejected him." She stated.

Daisy broke the hug. As Mrs Louis wipes her tears with her right hand.

"I couldn't abort the child. The money the doctor demanded was too much." She muttered.

"It's okay, the baby wants to come into this world, so you shouldn't stop it." Mrs Louis muttered.

"I can't keep it, which man will want to marry a woman like me? I am still too young to be a single mother. I will go and check out a quack doctor tomorrow." She stated.

Author's note.

The pregnancy part will be edited next month. I can't edit it this month. It was supposed to be one month later, he got into an accident and she found out she was pregnant. But you all understand, right?