
Chapter 221: His true colours 2

"I guess I don't have to pretend anymore, I don't have any intention of getting married to you. Just look at you who will like to get married to a girl like you." He muttered, looking at her from top to bottom.

Daisy was stunned. She battled her lashes, wishing it was all a dream, but it was reality as the girl took a glass of wine from the table and poured it on Daisy's hair. It was cold.

The drink entered her hair and slid down her face and into her body as she stared at Chris. She had been humiliated and couldn't fight back.

"You don't want to get married to me, so why did you date me all those years promising to get married to me?" She asked, with her lips trembling. 

"It's was all for fun, I dated you to get under your skirt nothing more." He stated bluntly she slapped him hard across the face.

He gnashed his teeth and held her neck, trying to choke her to death. He glared into her eyes. She was terrified, shaking like a leaf as she held his hand, trying to remove it from her neck.

"This will be the last time you slap me with your dirty hands." He said in a rumbling tone, breathing on her face. He let go of her neck as she staggered backwards, holding her neck as her tears fell to the ground. Her face was extremely red as she stared at him, breathing heavily. 

"I am pregnant, no one wants me I came here thinking you would accept me and console me, but... She paused, and then rushed to him and hugged him. He pushed her away. She landed on the floor and held onto his right leg.

"Chris, please forgive me if I did anything wrong and let's start over." She pleaded. He looked down at her and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha." He started laughing and moving his leg, so she let go of it.

"Is this how shameless you are that you are asking him to forgive you? He doesn't want you anymore." The girl muttered, dragging her away from Chris.

"Let me go. I want to hear it from Chris." She mumbled.

He pushed her away, glaring at her as she gazed into his eyes.

"It's over between us." He declared. Daisy was defeated as his words echoed in her ear.

"You aren't serious, right?" She asked.

"I am damn serious, which man will like to accept a girlfriend that is already pregnant with another man's baby? I bet you are the one that seduced him to sleep with you. You deserve everything you are getting now. Go back to the billionaire and beg him for money, slut." He cursed. She battled her lashes and got up from the ground.

"I did all of this for us." She muttered.

"For us, is the baby for us?" He asked, coldly pointing at her stomach.

"Get out!!" He declared, showing her his back.

"Chris I...she didn't complete her sentence when the girl grabbed her by the hand and started dragging her out of the house.