
Chapter 220: His true colours

"What are you saying? Aren't I your girlfriend?" She muttered and pushed her way into the house, where she discovered he was only wearing shorts.

"Why are you naked?" She asked curiously, and her eyes drifted to a girl sitting on the couch who was naked. She wasn't wearing anything.

Daisy opened her eyes wide in surprise, staring at Chris.

"I-i can explain." He stuttered. She gave him a resounding slap across the face. 

"Explain what? Isn't it clear that you are cheating on me? I can't believe I left everything to come to you." She muttered, putting her hand on her chest with hot tears falling down her pale cheeks.

"It's not what you think." He protested trying to touch her.

"Don't touch me, which excuse are you planning to give now!!" She yelled, staring into his eyes. Her eyes were shaking as she stared at him.

"Chris, what's all that noise? Keep it down." The girl on the couch stated.

Daisy glared at her and gnashed her teeth, walking towards the girl on the couch.

Chris held her hand, and she smacked his hand off.

She walked over to the girl on the couch and pounced on her, slapping her countinously.

"You slut, boyfriend snatcher." Daisy snarled as the girl held her hand and smiled widely at her as she pushed her to the ground.

She lay on top of Daisy on the floor, raining punches at her.

"I am not a boyfriend snatcher. You couldn't keep your man." She stated rudely as Daisy was screaming under her, trying to push her away.

Chris rushed to them and dragged the girl away from Daisy, holding her waist.

Daisy's nose was bleeding as she got up from the floor and glared at them. The first place her eyes went was to his hand on her waist as she separated them immediately and held Chris's hand sobbing bitterly.

"Chris, after all we have been through, is this how you repay me? I feel so stupid. My mom has always told me that you weren't a good boyfriend, but I was ready to fight her for you because I love you." She muttered, hitting his chest continuously.

"I do love you." He mumbled.

"Liar, you don't love me, I came here to tell you that I have been chased out of the billionaire's house...she didn't complete her sentence when he cut in.

"What do you mean by that? Do you mean you didn't get the money?" He asked bluntly as he held her hand.

"I didn't get the money." She mumbled as she pulled her hand from his grip. He screwed up his face.

"What do you mean you were chased out of the house why? So we can't get the money." He stated, raising his voice.

"We? I was the one selling myself for money. you are saying we? Do you even have a plan to get married to me!!" She yelled. He pursed his lips.

"Tell me, Chris!!" She yelled as she hit him lightly on the chest.