
Chapter 219: Her only hope

Daisy rushed to the road, staring at the taxis as they drove past her. She didn't have any money to afford a taxi, but she wanted to get away from Richard.

Who was running towards her. She stopped a taxi and rushed inside just as Richard rushed towards her.

The taxi drove off. She sat in the taxi and looked at the back, staring at him through the glass. He was watching the taxi go.

She sighed and relaxed in the taxi.

"You haven't told me where you are going, madam." The driver said bringing her back to reality.

She gave him Chris's address and relaxed in the taxi.

Minutes later, the taxi stopped. She quickly rushed out, trying to go to Chris' door when the driver grabbed her hand.

She turned to look at him, swaying her hand. He held her hand tightly.

"Where are you going, Miss? Aren't you going to pay me?" He asked rudely.

She pulled her hand from his grip. 

"Just give me a sec, my boyfriend will pay you." She assured trying to walk away.

"Whenever are you going to pay me? My money, I won't let you out of my sight." He stated. She gulped.

"Please sir, give me a minute. I will surely pay you." She pleaded.

He relaxed in his car and glanced at his wrist watch.

"I give you 2 seconds to come up with my money." He declared.

"I won't let you down." She muttered and started walking to Chris's front porch as he watched her go.

She arrived on his doorstep and started ringing the doorbell continuously. She waited for a few minutes when Chris opened the door a little, sticking his head out of the house.

He looked intense. He was sweating as he stared at her.

"How are you doing, babe? Why didn't you  tell me you were coming?" He asked, staring at her.

Daisy wanted to know why he didn't want to open the door for her.

"Let me in, I will tell you." She muttered, trying to push open the door. 

He held the door.

"Tell me what you have to say here." He declared. which made her more curious.

"Madam, you are wasting my time!!" The driver exclaimed.

"What is he blatering about?" He inquired.

"I don't have the money to pay the taxi fare." She mumbled.

"Wait for me." He declared and slammed the door in her face. She grabbed the doorknob, trying to open it, but it was locked.

She let go of it and turned.

"Ahh!!" She screamed as she saw the driver standing in front of her.

"When did you get here?" She inquired.

He was about to answer when Chris opened the door a little and extended his hand to the driver.

He took the money from him and scurried away.

Daisy turned to look at Chris.

"Let me in. I have something really important to tell you." She muttered, putting her hand on the door.

"My house is not well arranged, you wouldn't like to see the mess in here." He stated, looking keenly at her.