
Chapter 211: The key

"Daisy, what is wrong with you? Wake up." Mrs. Louis called out to her she carried her from the floor, but Daisy didn’t respond because she was unconscious.

"What could be the problem now?" Mrs. Louis grunted she started struggling to carry Daisy towards the road but she couldn't so she carried her into the house and lay her on the couch.

She rushed to the kitchen and took a bottle of water from the fridge she walked to Daisy on the couch and opened the bottle of water she poured a small quantity of water into her hand which was dripping down her hand and splashed it on Daisy's face.

Daisy started coughing and got up from the couch staring at her mother.

"What Happened?" She inquired holding her head.

"You fainted." Mrs. Louis replied.

"Maybe because I haven't eaten." Daisy replied.

"So you haven't eaten and you ran away from the billionaire's house." Mrs. Louis snarled.

"Stop talking and get me food." Daisy declared rubbing her forehead with her thumb.

Mrs. Louis dashed to the kitchen.

Two months later.

Daisy has been looking for jobs but hasn't been able to secure a job she has started getting fat and chubby and eating a lot the little money in her account has almost finished. 

She was walking towards the door tired she was coming from a job interview and was feeling dizzy.

"Mom I am home." She announced opening the door when she collapsed on the floor.

Mrs. Louis rushed to her and lift her off the ground with great difficulty she called the neighbors to assist her and they carried Daisy to the hospital.

At the hospital.🏥

Flashback to two months ago

Raymond and Mr. Josh were rushed into the emergency room as they were being treated. The entire Kingston family watched Raymond on the news and ran to the hospital. Mrs. Kingston and Sofia are crying continuously.

They sat on the waiting chair close to the room where he was being operated on. Mrs. Kingston and Sofia were crying continuously as they consoled each other.

Richard was getting impatient as he started pacing. Mr. Kingston on the other hand, was just standing with his back against the wall.

"Why does this have to happen now? And to my baby." Sofia lamented.

"We don’t know either, Sofia we are as clueless as you are." Richard replied.

"I want my baby to be alive, he must be alive!!" Sofia yelled.

"Keep your voice down we are at a hospital, he will be alright." Richard assured.

End of flash back..

Daisy was rushed into the same hospital Raymond was in, but she was rushed to the room for regular customers, not the VIP rooms. Mrs. Louis wanted to follow the nurse into the room when the nurse pushed her out of the room.

"You can’t come in," the nurse declared.

"I wasn’t trying to get in." she stated with her head held high and walked over to the wall and rested there.

One hour later.

The nurse walked out of the room as Mrs. Louis rushed to her.

"What is wrong with my Daughter? Why did she faint like that?" Mrs. Louis inquired.

The nurse smiled widely at her.

"Does she have a husband?" she inquired.

"No, she doesn’t." Mrs. Louis asked, giving her a suspicious look.

"Anyway, she is pregnant two months pregnant." The nurse declared. Mrs. Louis' jaw dropped when she heard this.

"You are not joking, right?" she asked.

"No, I am not, come later for the test results." She beamed and walked away.

Mrs. Louis collapsed on the waiting chair as she put her hand on her head.

"Daisy has killed me." She lamented, looking sideways.

"What do I do now!!" she exclaimed. Looking into thin air.

She managed to pull herself together and dashed into the room where Daisy was.

She stared at Daisy on the bed, who was sleeping peacefully with her hand on her chest.

"You are here enjoying your sleep you don’t know what kind of mess you are in." she muttered as she sat on the chair close to the bed and held Daisy’s hand.

She smiled as an idea popped into her head.

"Maybe this is a good thing, the baby could be a key to us getting rich." She said, smiling at the thought.