
Chapter 212: Must stay alive

She held Daisy’s hand and sighed as she sighted the remote for the TV and picked it up. She switched on the TV.  When the news came on, on the TV, she saw Raymond being filmed in the hospital bed.

"What the fuck is going on? He is in the hospital!!" she yelled. Daisy opened her eyes slowly and sat up on the bed.

"What are you nagging about? Can’t you see I was sleeping?" Daisy asked as her eyes drifted to the TV.

"Raymond Kingston, a multi-billionaire, hasn't been able to recover from the accident he had two months ago. he is down with severe injuries, will he make it out alive?" the reporter stated.

"No! he can’t die, I must go see him. He has to stay alive so I can take revenge on him." Daisy stated as she looked at her hand, which was bandaged and dripping fluid that was connected to her hand.

She grabbed the drip and started pulling out the needle from her hand.

"Stop! What are you doing? You are going to hurt yourself." Mrs. Louis stated. holding her hand.

"Let me go, didn’t you sever all ties with me what are you doing here?" Daisy asked as she removed the drip and jumped down from the bed.

"Watch out, Daisy, you don't want to hurt your ba...Before she could complete her sentence, Daisy had already left the room. Daisy started walking barefoot on the ground of the hospital, going in the direction of the hospital reception.

"Daisy don’t go, you are not strong enough to go out yet!!" Mrs. Louis yelled, walking after her, but Daisy didn’t listen to her as she was walking quickly without looking back.

People were staring at her as she walked like a mad woman in the hospital, but she didn’t care less. She arrived at the receptionist's desk and put her hand on the table, staring at the receptionist as she passed medicine to a woman.

"How may I help you?" she asked, staring at Daisy.

"I'd like you to tell me which room Raymond Kingston is in," she asked.You are literally the hundredth person that has asked me this question….Daisy cut in.

"Just tell me where he is." She declared.

"He is in the operation theatre on the 2nd floor." She replied. Daisy turned around and started walking towards the elevator when Mrs. Louis caught up with her and held her dress.

"Daisy what are you doing?Are you trying to go and see him after all he has done to you?" Mrs. Louis inquired.

Daisy hit her hand away from her dress and entered the elevator, Mrs. Louis quickly entered with her.

"I want to go see him to make sure he is alive so I can take my revenge." Daisy declared.

"What's with you and revenge? Anyway, you have the upper hand now." Mrs. Louis muttered.

"What do you mean by the upper hand? What are you blabbering about?" Daisy asked as the elevator opened.

"You are…" Mrs. Louis couldn’t complete her sentence when Daisy rushed out of the elevator.