
Chapter 210: Broken

"Are you serious?" Mrs. Louis asked.

Daisy pulled away from the hug and stared into her eyes.

"Why would I lie about something like that?" she asked bluntly, wrinkling her nose.

"That’s it, we have to report him to the police and get him arrested." Mrs. Louis stated, clenching her fists.

"That’s not what I planned to do, I want to take revenge on him in a massive way. I want to destroy his career. I want to tell the press how disgusting he is." She muttered. Mrs. Louis held her hand.

"Don’t make rash decisions, my dear, I thought you said he was drunk." Mrs. Louis muttered Daisy opened her eyes wide in surprise and removed her hand.

"I can’t believe you are the one saying this, I was raped. you should be supporting me, not the other way around." Daisy lamented.

"I am sorry, my darling," Mrs. Louis apologized.

"No, you are not sorry, you are acting this way because of the cheque, right?" Daisy asked, flaunting the cheque.

"No, you have got me wrong." She protested, looking keenly at her.

"Stop giving me an innocent look. I hate it." Daisy declared as she started tearing the cheque into pieces.

"Daisy, No!!" Mrs. Louis yelled as Daisy tossed the pieces of the cheque on the ground.

"You have gone mad, I am so disappointed in you." Mrs. Louis stated coldly as she gave Daisy a resounding slap across the cheek.

Daisy couldn’t believe her eyes as she felt the pain in her cheek. She saddened as she rose from the couch.

"How could you destroy something that could change our lives?" Mrs. Louis yelled as she fell to the floor and started picking up the pieces of the cheque from the floor.

"It’s no use." She grunted as she rose from the ground and glared at Daisy.

"You see what you have done? Because of you, we have lost a huge sum of money, I can’t believe you are the daughter I raised." Mrs. Louis muttered. Daisy smirked and stepped back, leaving her cheek.

"No, I am not the daughter you raised." She declared.

"He uses the money to show appreciation as he has done something wrong, but you just waste all that money like that, get out of my house. I don’t want to see you anymore you are a disgrace." She snarled, pointing at the door.

"But this is my house Why should I be the one to leave?" Daisy asked, battling her lashes.

"Because I said so, get out!!" she yelled as she grabbed Daisy tightly by the hand and started leading her out of the house.

"You can’t throw me out, you will need me, I am the bread winner of this family." Daisy stated as she tossed her out of the house.

"I am no longer your mother as of today, and I am not aware of anyone answering the name Daisy." She declared.

Daisy opened her mouth to say something, but she started feeling dizzy and collapsed on the floor.