
Chapter 195: Torture

Mrs Kingston gnashed her teeth.

"Stop there, Raymond, if you leave with her, you are giving her the courage to disrespect me in the future." Mrs Kingston stated.

Raymond and Daisy turned to look at Mrs Kingston

"So are you saying I should leave my wife for you to torture?" Raymond asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I am not torturing her, it's part of her training." Mrs Kingston stated 

Raymond looked down at Daisy. She battled her lashes at him. 

"I think she wins this time." He declared.

"Are you really releasing me to her?" She asked softly.

"I am sorry, I don't have any other option." He muttered.

She screwed up her face. 

"Alright, you owe me one." She stated pointing at him, and walked over to Mrs Kingston

"Old hag." She muttered

"What did you just say?" Mrs Kingston asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing." She replied flatly.

"Follow me." Mrs. Kingston declared as she walked to her room.

Daisy gave Raymond a sad look and he turned away.

Mrs Kingston entered her room with Daisy.

She entered her bathroom while Daisy stood in her room looking around.

She walked out of the bathroom carrying a pile of clothes. She tossed it to Daisy, and the clothes were scattered all over the floor.

"You couldn't even catch it." Mrs Kingston snarled, Daisy rolled her eyes. She squatted and started picking up the clothes from the floor.

"If you have finished parking them, bring them to the guest room." Mrs Kingston declared and scuttled away.

Daisy sighed.

"I know she asked the maids not to wash the clothes, so I will wash them." She stated with an evil grin.

Raymond walked to Mr Kingston's room and saw Richard there. They were both talking.

"Dad, I have to go and pick up my girlfriend from Paris. it's getting late." He lamented, looking at Mr Kingston, who was sitting on the bed.

"I have not finished talking." Mr Kingston declared.

"I wanted to ask you that, Elena was really worried about you, I didn't bring her with me because of Sofia. She would have caused a sin." Raymond stated 

"Who said you could cut in?" Mr Kingston stated 

"After all you did, aren't you ashamed of yourself?" Mr Kingston added, glaring at Raymond.

"I am not ashamed. I went on a honeymoon just as you wanted." He shrugged.

"You still have the audacity to talk back to me?" Mr Kingston said as he rose from the bed.

"I-i." Mr Kingston cut in. 

"I don't want to hear it, because you are my eldest son. You think you can have your way all the time." Mr Kingston stated Raymond gulped, giving Richard the signal to leave the room.

"I specifically told you that I wanted you to go on a honeymoon with Sofia, but you insisted on taking your wife, not only that you took Richard too, I will have to think of a punishment to give to the two of you." Mrs Kingston declared, folding his arms across his chest.