
Chapter 196: Grounded

"How can you say such a thing, dad? We are not kids anymore, and you know, as a matter of fact, that I don't like her." Raymond stated, waving his hand at Richard, who started walking slowly as Mr Kingston back the both of them.

Richard walked to the door and opened it slowly.

"To me, you guys will always remain kids. Speaking of kids, I want kids." Mr Kingston declared as he turned to look at Raymond. Richard was long gone, but he didn't notice.

"I will give you a grandchild don't worry, but I need to settle down first. I still have a lot of things I am managing at work." 

"I don't care, I want you to start planning your baby with Sofia." Mr Kingston stated

"Sofia, I should have known it." Raymond stated under his breath.

"I will have to ground you from going to work for a month." Mr Kingston declared. Raymond opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"You have got to be kidding me." Raymond scoffed.

"Do I look like I am joking? Is there any smile on my face?" Mr Kingston inquired..

"No, but, even if I want to have a child, it won't be with Sofia, and besides, I can't leave my company again for my employees." 

"I will assign someone to replace you. Don't worry, you will have a child with Sofia, I know you don't like her. It is the least you could do for her." Mr Kingston stated, tapping Raymond's shoulder

"Okay, I will try." Raymond mumbled, although he had something going on in his mind.

"Go for it, son, that's the spirit." He beamed.

Raymond weirdly stared at him.

"Okay." He said, lifting his upper lip in disgust.

"You can go, son. I have sent your assistant to go and bring Sofia back." Mr Kingston declared.

"Why am I not surprised?" Raymond shrugged as he started walking out of the room.

"Wait, where is Richard?" He asked flatly.

"How will I know?" 

Raymond smirked as he made his way out of the room.

He bumped into Daisy, who was going to Mr Kingston's room.

"Where are you going?" Raymond asked, raising an eyebrow.

"To get your dad's clothes for laundry." She muttered

"Mum is crossing the line." He stated clenching his fist.

"Then put an end to this." Daisy suggested.

"What are you doing talking to him? slut get to work!!" Mrs Kingston yelled.

Daisy scurried away.

"Mom, I don't ever want to hear you call my wife a slut again." Raymond declared.

"What do you want me to call her? She will always be a slut to me." She replied, 

"It's useless talking to you." He muttered, walking away.

Daisy walked into Mr Kingston's room. 

"What are you doing, here? How dare you  enter my room," he snarled.

Daisy, look down.

"Mrs Kingston sent me here." 

She replied as she walked into his bathroom.

She looked around the room and saw his dirty clothes on top of a drawer. 

She packed the clothes and walked out of the room without stealing a glance at Kingston, who didn't care.