
Chapter 194: family drama 2

"Dad, can I talk to you later? I want to go and pick up my girlfriend in Paris." Richard stated, running after him.

"So the rumors were true, you went there with your girlfriend. I am so disappointed in you." Mr Kingston stated.

As they both walked up the stairs.

"We went there, but we didn't disturb Raymond and his wife, I swear." 

Mrs Kingston squatted to look at Daisy on the floor.

She grabbed her face and looked into her eyes.

"You and Raymond think you can play smart with me?" She asked, squeezing Daisy's cheek.

"I didn't know that we were going on a honeymoon, I swear." Daisy stated bluntly as Mrs Kingston gave her a resounding slap across the cheeks.

"You think you can lie to me?" She asked, glaring at Daisy, who was holding her face.

"Stand up. I want you to go to my room and pack all the clothes there with my husband and wash them all." She declared.

Daisy looked at her stunned, with her mouth slightly open.

"Are you....Mrs Kingston cut in."

"Don't try to act smart with me, girl, you will do as I say!!" She yelled.

Daisy screwed up her face with all the maids they have at home Mrs Kingston wanted to turn her into a maid too.

She started walking away.

"Stop there, I am not finished with you, I said you were going to wash the clothes, but I didn't say you were going to use the washing machine." She stated coldly. Daisy turned to look at her.

"What am I going to use then?" Daisy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Your hand." Mrs Kingston declared, with an evil grin.

Daisy opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"I think this woman is mad." She muttered to herself.

"What about her hand?" Raymond asked as he walked into the house in a dashing way with his hands in his pocket.

Daisy smiled widely at him as she saw him.

"What-what are you doing here?" Mrs Kingston stuttered, staring at him.

Daisy quickly ran to Raymond and held his arm.

"Slut, what are you doing near him? Didn't I ask you to go do the laundry?" Mrs Kingston scolded, glaring at Daisy. 

"Why would she do the laundry?" Raymond asked.

"I want my daughter-in-law to do the laundry." Mrs Kingston stated.

"Why this daughter-in-law? Didn't you say you wouldn't accept her?" Raymond snarled.

"I am punishing her, stay out of this." Mrs Kingston declared, pointing at him with her index finger.

"Why? Because we went on our honeymoon?" Raymond asked.

Mrs Kingston's eyebrow started twitching as she glared at him. She clenched her fists into tight balls.

"Your honeymoon is supposed to be you and Sofia alone!! You guys are testing my patience in this house and I am ready to...." Raymond cut in.

"You are so noisy, mom. Go and look for a way to get your darling in-law back." Raymond stated as he started walking past Mrs Kingston with Daisy.

Daisy smiled at her and stuck out her tongue at her as they both walked past her.

Author's note 

Happy New year in advance my lovely readers I hope this new year be a good year for all of you. Amen