
Chapter 193: Family drama

Author's POV 

Raymond settled down on his chair as the plane took off.

The bodyguards drove Daisy and Richard into the mansion. They were both in one car, as Richard was sleeping at the side.

Daisy gazed at him.

"How can he sleep peacefully when his girlfriend is still back there?" She mumbled as she stared at him.

They parked the car. Daisy sighed as one of the bodyguards opened the door for her while another one dragged Richard out of the car.

She stepped out of the car as they heard a loud thud. 

It was Richard. He sat on the floor holding his butt.

"Ouch! Can't you be more careful and help me up?" He commanded as the bodyguards helped him up.

His eyes drifted to Daisy as he ran to her.

"You are here too." He muttered.

"Yes." She replied, rolling her eyes, that it was a silly question.

"That means Raymond is still there with my girlfriend," he said, and screwed up his face.

"What? Are you thinking he will woo your girlfriend or something?" She asked, twisting her lips.

"He won't, but she will be angry with me." He groaned.

"Then go back for her." Daisy snarled.

"Sorry to interrupt you, sir, but we need to go inside." One of the bodyguards said as he saw that Richard was looking at the car.

"Let's go." He said, gnashing his teeth as they escorted them into the house.

To their greatest surprise, Mr and Mrs Kingston were standing in the living room waiting for them with their arms folded across their chests. 

Mrs Kingston gave Daisy a devilish look.

"So you went to Raymond's honeymoon?" Mr Kingston stated, glaring at Richard.

He smirked and looked at them.

"Yes, I went, and it was because he asked me to." Richard stated confidently.

"I can't believe Raymond can be so cunning, and you agreed to go!" Mrs Kingston exclaimed.

"He is my bro." Richard shrugged.

"Bro? I can't believe you guys can be so evil." Mrs Kingston added.

Daisy realized that she was being ignored as they both started scolding Richard.

She started walking away slowly, making sure she didn't make any noise.

Mrs. Kingston trailed behind her when she noticed Daisy was already at the stairs.

She ran to her and dragged her by the hair.

"Ahh!!" Daisy yelled in pain as Mrs Kingston pulled her by the hair. Her hair was aching as it felt like her hair wanted to be removed from her skull.

"Let go of her mom." Richard declared as he grabbed Mrs Kingston's hand from Daisy's hair. 

"Stay out of this son, this slut has the gut to go and be a third wheel at their honeymoon." Mrs Kingston grinned through clenched teeth as she tossed Daisy to the floor.

"Mom, let her go, it's all Raymond's plan." Richard defended.

"I don't care, she was part of it anyway." Mrs Kingston snapped.

"Rich, come with me i want to talk to you." Mr Kingston declared while walking to this room.