
Chapter 192: Daisy is gone 2

I dropped my hand and gnashed my teeth. I took a glass of water from the table and drank it in one go.

I stood up from the chair, adjusting my clothes, I started walking towards the entrance of the house.

"Baby, where are you going?" I heard Sofia's voice.

I turn to look at her and give her a hard glare.

"Don't you dare call me your baby; I don't wear diapers." I snarled and started walking out of the house when I heard someone running towards me.

"Where are you going? You can't leave me here." I turned back to look at the person. It was Elena.

"I am going back home, don't worry Sofia will take you back home." I declared, glaring at her. She gazed at me with her mouth agape.

"No-no you can't go back home, it's our honeymoon." Sofia stated, running towards us.

"Which honeymoon?" I asked.

"Our honeymoon. That's the reason we came here, right?" She declared.

I think she is the one that told my parents about Daisy being here, but how is that possible? I am very sure Daisy destroyed her phone.

"How many times will I tell you, I don't love you? Better go and tell my parents that you want a divorce before it's too late." I declared and removed Elena's hand from mine before rushing out of the house.

"Baby don't go, please come back!!" I heard Sofia yelling from inside the house.

All I can think about is Daisy. I want to know if she is back home or not, and if my parents aren't torturing her in my absence.

I walked to the garage and got into a white Lamborghini.

I rolled up the glass of the car when the driver ran to me.

"What?" I asked, raising my brow.

"Sir, you are going out without me. I am supposed to drive you." He stated 

"No need, I can manage." I stated as I ignited the engine and drove off.

I know my parents won't let this slide. Perhaps they took Daisy home so I could be alone with Sofia. What are they thinking? I smirked as I increased the speed of the car.

I drove to the airport, just like I thought our private jet wasn't available, so I had to go book a regular plane.

I can't remember when I last used it.

"Board pass and ID," the representative said, extending his hand to me. I handed it to him.

"First class ticket please." I said as he handed it back to me.

"You are good to go; your plane leaves in one hour." She stated.

That's too long. I mumbled.

"Huh?" The representative asked, 

"Nothing." Was I loud? I walked to the waiting area.

After rolling on the chair for several minutes, it was time to get into the plane.

I walked into the plane with other people as the flight attendants welcomed us.

"This way, sir." She beamed as I followed her to the VIP area. 

I remember when I caused a scene because I couldn't be in here.