
Chapter 189: Taken back home

"This way, madam." One of them stated, bowing slightly as Daisy started walking down the passage of the house with him. She was wondering

where Raymond was as he couldn't save her.

They bumped into Sofia at the entrance of the house.

"Hahaha." She started laughing the moment she saw Daisy. Daisy narrowed her eyes at her.

"What's funny?" She asked, irked.

"You think I can just let you ruin my honeymoon? It's me and Raymond now." Sofia stated, glaring at her.

"You are right, it's you and him, but that doesn't mean he will let you come near him, let alone touch him." Daisy snarled.

Sofia screwed up her face.

"You are a liar, he will be mine." Sofia stated, gnashing her teeth.

"Good luck with that." Daisy scoffed as she walked out of the house with the bodyguards. 

Sofia watched them go as she clenched her teeth furiously and shut the door immediately.

Elena started running down the stairs looking for Raymond. When she sighted Sofia, she quickly ran to Sofia.

"Help me, Richard has been kidnapped." She muttered with tears falling down her pale cheeks.

Sofia looked a bit confused.

"Kidnapped by who?" She asked curiously.

"By some muscular men who were wearing black suits and sun glasses." She described.

"Hmm, calm down, he hasn't been kidnapped, they just came to take him home." Sofia assured.

"Home? What about me?" She asked bluntly.

"You can go home on your own." Sofia replied.

"But I don't have any money. I just came with Richard." She lamented as she held her head.

"Don't worry, I have a feeling Richard will come back for you." Sofia beamed.

"I hope so." She muttered, looking down.

Sofia smirked as she started walking up the stairs to Raymond's room.

She opened the door and saw that the room was empty. She walked into the room.

"Raymond! Raymond!" She yelled, opening the bathroom door, but there was no sign of him.

She walked out of the room and started yelling his name while opening all the rooms in the house. 

Elena approached her.

"Maybe he also went home." Elena grinned.

"That's not possible, he can't go home." She said with a frown as she opened the door where Raymond was and saw him lying on the bed.

"You were saying?" She asked, looking at Elena as they both gazed at Raymond.

She walked over to him on the bed and started tapping him.

"Wake up sleepy head, I can't believe he has been sleeping all morning." Sofia mumbled, tapping him, while Elena stood at the door.

"Go away." Raymond said rudely, as he faced the other side of the bed. 

"It's morning, you have to wake up." She said as she continued tapping him.

He grasped her hand and slowly opened his eyes. 

His expression changed immediately as he set his eyes on her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly as he let go of her hand.

"I came to wake you up. You have been sleeping for a long time." She beamed.