
Chapter 188: Forcefully taken home

Richard wanted to shut the door when they held it. 

"We will have to do this the hard way. We are sorry, sir." They said as they forced their way into the room.

Richard ran to Elena on the bed. As the bodyguards walk towards them.

"Babe, what's happening? Who are those guys?" Elena asked, frightened 

"I don't know, go get your bag, let's get out of here." He stated she was about to jump down from the bed when the bodyguards held Richard from behind and put a handkerchief in his nose.

He passed out as Elena moved slowly on the bed, staring at the terrified with sweat forming on her forehead.

They started carrying Richard out of the room.

Elena didn't know what to do, but she wanted to save Richard by all means.

"Stop there, where are you taking him?" She asked as the bodyguards came to a halt.

She looked around the room and saw a flower vase. She removed it from the floor in front of her and ran towards the bodyguards. They both turned to look at her with dagger eyes.

"Let him go or I will hit you." She threatened.

"Stay out of this young lady." The one carrying Richard said.

"No, let go of my boyfriend." She declared.

They both ignored her and started walking out of the room.

Elena's hand started shaking as she ran to them and hit one of them with the vase in the head.

It didn't affect the man, as they both turned to look at her with a hard glare.

"He didn't faint." She muttered, staring at the vase.

"Sorry Miss we didn't want to hurt you but you left us with no choice." One of them said, as he approached Elena, 

"Don't come near me, I will hit you." She threatened holding the vase close to her chest. He smirked and took the vase from her and pushed her onto the bed.

"Stay here." He declared as they both made their way out of the room.

Elena ran after them and they pushed her back into the room. She landed on the floor with a loud thud as they walked away.

"Richard!!" She yelled, sitting on the floor.  As she started snobbing.

Daisy started wearing her clothes.

"How do I tell Raymond about this?" She wondered as she finished wearing her clothes and walked to the side of the bed. She took her phone and dialed his number. His phone started ringing in the room. She looked around and sighted his phone on top of the drawer.

"His phone is here, great." She muttered as she started packing her clothes inside her luggage.

"Miss, are you still in there?" The bodyguard asked, knocking at the door.

"Yes," she replied with a frown.

Minutes later, after

sitting on the bed for several minutes, she inhaled and exhaled as she grabbed the handle of her luggage and started dragging it out of the room.

She opened the door and gazed at the bodyguards as one of them took her luggage from her.