
Chapter 190: What is love?

Raymond sat up on the bed.

"Get out!!" He yelled, pointing at the door.

"Why are you behaving like this all of a sudden? What happened?" She asked.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from me? Get out!!" He declared.

Sofia gulped as she turned to look at Elena and Raymond's gaze landed on her.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, looking at her.

"I came with Sofia to wake you up, Richard has gone home." She stated.

"What! Why?" Raymond asked.

"I don't know, but two bodyguards came to take him." She stated.

"Bodyguards, perhaps they were sent by my father, but he should have taken you with him." Raymond remarked as he got down from the bed...

He glared at Sofia.

"Out! I don't want to repeat myself again." He stated.

Sofia just stared at him, trying to give him an innocent look.

"They knocked him unconscious, so he couldn't take me with him." She stated, looking down.

"Really? That's strange." Raymond remarked, stroking his chin.

Sofia moved closer to Raymond and stared at his neck as she saw hickeys on his neck.

He wanted to push her away when she wrapped her hand around him.

"What is wrong with you? Are you not afraid of death?" Raymond asked as he attempted to remove her hand from his body. 

"I love you, why can't you just see how much I love you and love me back?" She asked, burying her head in his chest.

Raymond pushed her away immediately.

"Don't you know what they call personal space? If you tell me the meaning of love, I might consider you." He declared, glaring at her. 

"Really?" She asked in a happy tone.

"Yes." He replied flatly.

Sofia smiled and cleared her throat as she sat on the bed and crossed her legs.

"Love, what is love?... Raymond cut in

"Are you asking me?" He asked, raising his brow.

"Hell no, I just wanted to answer." She replied.

"Love, if you ask me what love is, it's when you find your soulmate, your missing rib." 

"How do you know that person is your missing rib?" Raymond inquired.

She stroked her hair back shyly.

"You'll realize the person will always be in your dreams and..." Raymond tuned her off as he walked into the bathroom.

Sofia was still there, sitting there talking to herself without looking up. She was blushing so much.

Elena glanced at her and smirked before walking out of the room.

Raymond finished bathing and walked out of the bathroom using a towel to pat his hair when he saw Sofia still talking to herself.

"You are still here?" He asked, staring at her. She stopped and looked up at him.

"When did you go to the bathroom?" she asked as she fed her eyes on his abs.

"A long time ago, wait did you expect me to listen to all that crap?" He asked.

"But you were the one who asked me to tell you about love." She mumbled.

"I asked you, I didn't ask you to tell me a story." He scoffed as he opened the wardrobe.

"It wasn't a story." She protested.

"I was in the bathroom for 20 minutes and you are still here talking. I was expecting a sentence, not more than one line." He stated.

"Am I writing a summary that I have to keep it short?" She asked bluntly.

"You don't know what love is, get out of my room this instant!!" He declared authoritatively.

Author's note 

I wasn't supposed to post till next month but I post for you guys.