
Chapter 178: Swimming instructor 2

                           Authors POV 

Daisy narrowed her eyes at Sofia. She got jealous when she saw that Sofia could swim. She swam to the surface and stroked her hair backwards.

"Don't come near me." Raymond declared, staring at her.

"Come jump in. I will guide you." He assured, staring at Daisy.

Daisy closed her eyes tightly as she moved one leg towards the pool.

Raymond grabbed her leg and dragged her into the water.

"Help! Help!" She screamed, moving her hands continuously on the surface of the water while Raymond stared at her. 

"The pool is five feet tall; you are a drama queen." Raymond remarked.

Daisy stood inside the pool and glared at him.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" She asked, pouting her lips. 

"Can't you read?" Sofia stated.

"I didn't talk to you." Daisy scoffed.

"Like I wanted to talk to you." Sofia mumbled.

"If you want to swim, you will first learn how to survive under water without breathing." Raymond stated.

"How do I do that?" Daisy asked.

"Like this." He muttered, and went under the water and started holding his breath.

He stayed like that for a few minutes and then rose from the water.

"Wait, you expect me to do that?" Daisy asked bluntly.

"Yes, how hard could it be?" He asked.

She held her nose and entered the water.

"You don't have to hold your nose." Raymond muttered.

Daisy didn't answer him. She rushed to the surface, breathing continuously.

"I can't do it, that's torture." She whined.

"You are too lazy, you can't last under water. How can you learn how to swim?" He asked.

"I don't want to learn anymore." Daisy whined, trying to walk out of the pool. 

Raymond drew her back and wrapped his hand around her waist.

He put his head on her shoulder. Daisy was taking short, shallow breaths as he held her.

"You must learn, I will guide you." He beamed. 

"No." Daisy protested, trying to free herself from his grip.

"You must learn." He repeated as his hand traveled down her lap, sending shivers down her spine.

She held his hand midway and turned to look at him.

She gave him a resounding slap across the face, which caught the attention of everyone as they stared at them.

"How dare you touch me? You should know your place." Daisy declared, pointing at him with her index finger.

"Calm down." Raymond muttered.

"Why will I calm down? Didn't I tell you not to touch me?" She asked, raising her voice.

Raymond was winking at her to keep quiet, but she didn't listen. She had already lost her cool. 

"Wow, a husband and wife fighting. I am enjoying this." Sofia whined with a smile on her face.

"Why are you getting all worked up? I am your husband." Raymond protested trying to touch Daisy.

"Liar, I am your f..." Daisy didn't complete her sentence when Raymond landed his lips on hers, kissing her to shut her up.

Daisy opened her eyes in surprise as she pushed him away and cleaned her lips. Her heart was beating rapidly, trying to come out of her chest.