
Chapter 177: Swimming instructor

I saw Richard and Elena walking out of the house. They were both wearing swimming trunks.

Perhaps they want to swim. I wish I could swim. 

I rushed out of the house and spotted Richard and his girlfriend bathing in the pool. How I wish I could join them. 

I sat on a wooden chair close to the pool as I stared at both of them. He appeared to be teaching her how to swim as he guided her with his hands around her waist.

How I wish I had someone to teach me too.

I walked closer to the pool. I stared at both of them as he was instructing her. They didn't even notice me as I cleared my throat.

"Ehem." I coughed and they both stared at me.

"Sorry to interrupt you, but can you teach me how to swim too?" I inquired softly, avoiding his gaze.

"I will teach you." I heard Raymond's voice from behind me.

Fuck! What is he trying to do again? Can't he see I am avoiding him? 

I put my hand on my face as he walked towards me.

"Wait here, let me go put on my swim suit." He beamed.

I watched him go. Wait, I also need to wear something else.

I hurried to my room after putting on my swimming suit. I took a robe and wore it on top of the swim suit.

I head back to the swimming pool. But this time, Richard and Elena were making out at the side of the pool. Looking at them, I got jealous. They make me miss Chris. I can't remember when I last kissed.

Oh, now I remember that Raymond was the one that kissed me last. I thought touching my lips. Why am I thinking about the kiss? It meant nothing to me.

I stared at them as Richard slid his hand down her body and rested it on her butt.

Gosh, they are turning me on. I squatted in front of the pool and splashed water on their bodies. Richard broke the kiss and turned to me.

"Can't you see we are busy? you just have to ruin it." He snarled.

"What did I do wrong?" I shrugged as he narrowed his eyes at me.

They both moved to the edge of the pool and sat there.

"Love birds." I mumbled glaring at them, where the hell is Raymond?

"Speak of the devil." I muttered as I saw him walking majestically towards me with Sofia behind him. What was she doing here?

"Are you ready?" He asked as he grabbed my hand.

"Yes." I nodded like a little baby.

He was looking sexy in the swim suit as my eyes moved down to his bulge. Gosh, Daisy, you have a perverted mind.

"Watch me." He muttered and dove into the water. What

kind of teacher is he? is he expecting me to dive into the water.

"Jump in," he stated.

"Huh? I can't swim." I said, rolling my eyes at him.

Sofia ran past me and dived into the water.