
Chapter 179: Furious Daisy

"How dare you kiss me!!" Daisy exclaimed, glaring at Raymond.

"If you utter another word, I can do it again." He said with a smirk.

Daisy shot him a dagger eye and stomped away furiously.

Raymond was about to run after her when Sofia called out to him.

"Come and join me, let her go!" Sofia yelled.

He ignored her and started walking away.

"Come, I have removed my pants for you!!" Sofia yelled, lifting up her pants.

"I can't believe you are so shameless." Elena said, looking at Sofia in a disgusted manner.

"He is my husband, duh." Sofia snarled as she put down her hand and started wearing her pants in the pool.

"I thought they were both doing lovey-dovey yesterday. What happened now?" Richard stated, looking at Elena.

"I don't know, but I think she doesn't like the way he is touching her." Elena replied.

"Why wouldn't she like the way he touches her? She is his wife." Richard commented.

"I need to go take advantage of this opportunity." Sofia said with an evil grin as she walked out of the pool.

"I don't get it, who is his wife between the both of them?" Elena asked, looking into his eyes.

"They are both his wives, but his first wife is the one he is fighting with." Richard replied.

"How can he have two wives?" 

"My parents forced him to marry another wife against his will." Richard replied.

"I wonder how he copes with having two wives." She mumbled.

Daisy walked into the room.

She put her luggage on the bed and started packing her clothes inside as Raymond walked into the room.

He stood staring at her.

"What are you doing?" He asked, staring at her, but she didn't respond.

He walked over to her and held her hand as she was about to take her clothes from the closet.

She pulled her hand from his grip.

"What is your problem?" she scolded.

"Why are you packing your things?" He asked calmly.

She moved closer to him and locked eyes with him.

"Since when did I say you could touch me, let alone kiss me? This isn't part of our agreement." She stated, glaring at him.

"Is that the reason you are packing? You should be happy that a handsome man like me is kissing you." He said, flexing with his head held high. 

"Why would you be interested in kissing someone like me? When we both know that this relationship is fake." She muttered."

"I know it's fake, I am sorry I kissed you without your permission, I just wanted to shut you up. You would have blown our cover, I didn't know you got a bad temper." He remarked.

"I was so angry, just because I agreed to pretend to be your wife doesn't mean I give you my whole body. You are crossing your boundaries." She said, coldly clenching her fist.

"Like I say, I am sorry, how can I make it up to you?" He asked bluntly.

"The only favour you can do for me right now is to stay away from me." She declared.