
Chapter 167: Going to Paris 2

Suddenly, the plane started to move on the ground and took off. Raymond balanced on his seat.

The plane started flying in the air. Raymond was getting worried because he hadn’t seen Daisy.

Daisy started coughing.

"Who is that? Did you hear that?" Sofia asked, looking at Raymond.

"Hear what?" he asked absentmindedly.

"I thought I heard someone’s voice coming from there." Sofia said, pointing in the direction where Daisy was.

"You are just imagining things." Raymond muttered.  He was relieved when he heard Daisy’s voice.

Sofia stood up from her chair and started walking towards where Daisy was. She slowly walked there and saw Daisy. Lying on a group of chairs. Sofia opened her eyes in surprise as she sighted Daisy. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She opened her mouth in the process.

Daisy sat up in the chair and smiled at her. She used her hand to close Sofia’s mouth.

"Be careful you don’t let flies get into your mouth." Daisy remarked.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Sofia asked, glaring at her. Raymond smirked and walked over to them.

"I am here for the honeymoon too." Daisy stated confidently.

"But it’s my honeymoon." Sofia protested.

"You mean our honeymoon?" Raymond said as he held Daisy's waist. Sofia gnashed her teeth, glaring at them. She was burning with rage. She wanted to throw Daisy out of the plane.

"So you know that she is here." She said, glaring at Raymond.

"Yes, I do, do you think I will go on a honeymoon with you?" Raymond asked bluntly. Sofia screwed up her face as Raymond and Daisy walked to the front seat and sat there together.

Sofia walked over to them and sat beside them.

"Sit on my lap, baby." Raymond muttered, tapping his lap. Daisy smirked, looking at Sofia with side eyes, and sat on Raymond’s lap. Raymond wrapped his hand around her waist and they both started staring into each other’s eyes.

Sofia couldn’t take it anymore. She stood up from her seat and dragged Daisy away from Raymond. 

She attempted to sit on Raymond’s lap when he pushed her, and she was about to fall in Daisy's direction when Daisy moved out of the way and she fell on the floor. Raymond and Daisy burst into laughter as they stared at her on the floor.

"By force, wife." Daisy muttered, laughing hard.  Sofia glared at them and held a chair. She got up on her feet and walked to sit on the back seat away from them.

Daisy smiled at her and sat next to Raymond. They both rested their heads on their seats and drifted to sleep.

Hours later.

The plane landed in Paris. The pilot opened the door of the plane for them.  Daisy woke up as the breeze from outside hit her face.

She opened her eyes and tapped Raymond on the shoulder.

"We are here." Raymond muttered.

"I can’t believe we are coming to Paris for the second time," Daisy remarked.

"That remains me isn’t this the place where that man tried to kill me at first?" Raymond inquired.