
Chapter 168: Honeymoon house.

"Yes," she mumbled.                                  

"i don’t know why I am not scared anymore. Ever since he injured me, he hasn’t shown up." He stated.

"Speaking of your injury, where is it?" she asked.

"My injuries don’t last long." He beamed.

Daisy walked to her seat. She squatted and dragged her luggage out from under the chair and stole a glance at Sofia, who was sleeping peacefully on her chair with her mouth wide open.

"Let’s go," Raymond said, holding his luggage.

"What about Sofia?" she asked.                      

"Leave her, the pilot will wake her up by the time we have already arrived home." He grinned.

"You are so bad," Daisy teased.

They both started walking out of the plane and a driver approached them. He was wearing a white uniform as he bowed slightly.

"Welcome to Paris, sir," he beamed.

"Thank you, I want you to take us to our villa." Raymond instructed.

"At your service." He said leading them out of the airport.

They followed him out of the airport and arrived in front of the airport, where he unlocked a Mercedes Benz for them, and they both entered and settled down in the car. The driver walked into the car. They all fastened their seat belts and he drove off.

"What time of the day is it?" Raymond inquired, staring at his phone.

"It’s 2:00pm, sir." He replied.

"So we fly all morning." Daisy remarked.

"Seems so." Raymond added.

Daisy relaxed at the window of the car and started admiring the city. As the cool breeze blows on her face,

"Aren’t you worried about Sofia?" Daisy inquired, turning to Raymond in the car.

"Why will I be worried about her?" he replied, rolling his eyes.

"I didn’t know you were so heartless." Daisy muttered.

"i don’t want you to be a softie. I want you to be bad, so our plan will work. " Raymond muttered, looking into her eyes.

"I will try my best." She replied.

Minutes later.

They arrived in front of a mansion that had a swimming pool in front of the house and a beautiful flower garden at the front with a water fountain at the side.

Daisy's jaw dropped as the car drove into the mansion.

"It’s so beautiful!!" she exclaimed, scrutinizing the house. The car came to a halt, and Daisy quickly ran out of the car.

She ran to the water fountain and put her hand there, taking the water in her hand.

Raymond stepped out of the car as the driver opened the boot of the car, packing out their luggage.

Raymond stared at Daisy as she ran around the mountain.

"This is what happens when you bring poor people to your mansion." He remarked. walking towards her.

"Let’s go inside." He muttered.

"Go away, I am coming." Daisy mumbled, taking a picture in front of the flowers.

"Gosh!" Raymond exclaimed and walked out on her.

He walked into the mansion with the driver as the driver dragged the luggage to a big master bedroom. which was decorated beautifully with heart shaped balloons.