
Chapter 166: Going to Paris


"But Mr Kingston won’t allow that." He remarked.

"I know he won’t that’s why I am counting on you to hide Daisy." Raymond muttered, and Mr Josh gulped.

Daisy walked down the stairs with her luggage. Mr Josh walked up to her and took her luggage from her.

"Come with me." He said, leading Daisy out of the mansion.

Raymond waved at Daisy as she looked back at him.

Mrs Kingston escorted Sofia to the living room.

"These two people are always together nowadays." Raymond mumbled, narrowing his eyes at them. He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Richard’s number.

"We are going to Paris. I will send you the address of the place where we will be living later." Raymond stated.

"I will be looking forward to that." Richard responded.

"Where are you?"

"I am still in bed, but don’t’ worry, I didn’t forget. I will get ready and come." Richard assured.

"Okay." Raymond stated and hung up as Sofia approached him.

"Good morning, baby." She beamed, smiling widely at him. Raymond lifted his upper lip in disgust.

"Baby is fine." He replied, holding a laugh.

"Good to hear, so shall we go now?" she asked.

"Yes." Raymond replied, Mrs Kingston signaled two bodyguards and they walked over to her.

"Escort them to the private airport." She instructed.

"Yes ma." They chorused, and they walked Raymond and Sofia out of the house.

They escorted them out of the mansion.

Raymond and Sofia entered a limousine, and a driver dressed in white entered and drove off.

Raymond sat opposite Sofia in the car, glaring at her. He was checking her out with his eyes. She was wearing a short midi dress that showed her breasts as she crossed her legs. Their eyes met. Raymond looked away quickly and started operating his phone.

When Daisy and Mr Josh arrived at the airport, Mr Josh escorted her into the private jet and she hid in the back seat.

Mr Josh put her luggage under her chair as Daisy lay on top of a group of chairs.

"No matter what you do, don’t make noise until the plane takes off, so Sofia doesn’t suspect." Mr Josh instructed.

"Don’t worry." Daisy muttered.

Mr Josh walked down the stairs of the plane and saw Raymond and Sofia walking towards the plane with bodyguards. Raymond raised his eyebrows at him, indirectly asking him about Daisy, and Mr Josh winked at him.

Sofia grabbed Raymond’s hand and dragged him towards the plane as Raymond looked back at Mr Josh. Mr Josh removed his hat and bowed slightly.

It was the first time Raymond was going to be without Mr Josh. Mr Kingston has made it clear that he wants only Raymond and Sofia to be on the plane.

They walked into the plane, and the door of the plane closed.

As they settled down on the plane. Sofia was still holding Raymond’s hand. Raymond was feeling uncomfortable as he pulled his hand from her grip and put his hand in his pocket. He brought out a hand sanitizer and sprayed it on his hand.

"What with the sanitizer?" Sofia inquired.

"I don’t like people touching me." Raymond replied and realized he was sitting close to Sofia. He moved an inch away from her and started looking around the plane, using his eyes to look for Daisy.

              Author's note

This is my Whatsapp number sorry for not adding my country code before. +2340974988960