
Chapter 165: Honeymoon plan 2

"It seems like you have started enjoying your money." Daisy teased.

"Why won’t i? I am too old. I need to enjoy myself." She replied.

"Okay mum, I have to go now I am sleepy." Daisy muttered, yawning.

"Okay, darling, sleep tight." She stated and hung up.

Daisy turned to the other side of the couch and drifted to sleep.

The next day.                              

               Raymond’s POV.

I started hearing a knock on the door. Oh, I forgot that today is the start of my predicament. I muttered to myself and got up from bed. I walked to the window and opened the curtains as the morning sun forced its way into the room. It is said that the morning sun is rich in vitamins.

The person at the door didn’t stop knocking as I stole a glance at Daisy on the couch.

She is just so beautiful. I walked to her on the couch and squatted to look at her as a strand of her hair was on her face, touching her lips. I tried to remove the hair from her face when the knock of the door increased. What was I doing? I nearly touched Daisy, eww.

I stomped to the door and opened it. It was the maids' knocking. They immediately bowed their heads as they saw me.

"Sir, we are asked to come and pack your belongings." One of them muttered.

"Is that why you were knocking like that?" I asked, raising my voice.

"We are sorry, sir." They apologized.

"You can come in." I said and moved away from the door as they walked into the room.

I walked to Daisy and started tapping her softly on the shoulder as she made sleep sounds.

"You need to get up now," I whispered in her ear, and she got up immediately and used her hand to clean her eyes.

"Can’t you let me sleep?" She asked bluntly, Gosh, her mouth is killing me.

"Your breath sinks." I remarked, and she smirked.

"You want more?" She threatened.

"No." I muttered and moved away from her.

"We need to take a bath now. Don’t want to be late." I muttered, walking towards the bathroom.

"Can’t you let me bathe first?" she asked bluntly.

"How about we bathe together? That way, we can save water?" I muttered, flexing my muscles.

"Eww." She muttered, glaring at me.

"You have pride. A handsome man like me is asking you to bathe with me." I muttered, and the maids started blushing, as if they were the ones I was flirting with.

I glared at them and walked into the bathroom.

            Author’s POV

Hours later.

Raymond was walking down the stairs with his luggage when Mr Josh approached him.

"Do you perhaps know where I am going? because my dad isn’t telling me." Raymond inquired.

"You are going to Paris." He whispered.

"Paris, he must really like Sofia because he is planning our honeymoon there." Raymond muttered.

"Yes, we have to go now, I have arranged for the car." Mr Josh stated, staring at his wrist watch.

"Wait, I am going with Daisy too." Raymond whispered in Mr Josh's ear. His eyes widened.