
Chapter 164: Honeymoon plan

"How can you plan my honeymoon without my knowledge?" Raymond inquired, raising a brow.

"I am Kingston, the owner of the electronics empire. I can do what I like." Mr Kingston stated confidently. Raymond rolled his eyes.

"I want you to get ready to go on a honeymoon with Sofia tomorrow." He stated and walked away.

"So you guys are going on a honeymoon. How sweet." Daisy remarked.

"How is it sweet?" Raymond groaned, running his hand through his hair.

"I think you have no choice but to go, and I will be free." Daisy muttered, relaxing on the bed.

"Do you mean I'm a pest?" he inquired.

"You are not a pest, just that I will be free from you and your baby idiot." Daisy remarked.

"What did you just say?" he asked.

"Baby idiot, isn’t that what you call Sofia?" Daisy asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I like the name, and I also have a plan. We are going to make Sofia’s life a living hell on the honeymoon tomorrow." Raymond muttered.

"We? So I am going?" she asked.

"Of course we start packing our belongings, I am coming." Raymond stated as he exited the room.

He started walking down the passage of the house and halted in front of Richard's room. He started knocking on the door.

Richard opened the door immediately.

"What’s up bro?" Richard inquired, and Raymond forced his way into the room.

"I want you to do me a favour will you be available tomorrow?" Raymond inquired.

"I don’t have any photoshoots tomorrow, so yes." Richard muttered.

"That’s good,I want us to go on a vacation and you can bring your girlfriend too." Raymond stated.

"Vacation, that sounds fun, but aren’t you going on a honeymoon tomorrow?" Richard asked.

"I am going on a honeymoon, but I want you to also join me."


"You know, I don’t like Sofia, so you coming will be fun, so are you in?" Raymond inquired, his brow furrowed.

"I am in, I will call my girlfriend and ask her if she will be able to come." Richard replied.

"Thanks bro." Raymond beamed and walked out of the room.

He entered his room and saw Daisy arranging her clothes in the luggage.

"No need to arrange mine the maids will do it tomorrow." Raymond declared, walking towards the bed.

"Like I wanted too," Daisy muttered.

Raymond rested his head on the pillow and covered himself with the duvet.

Minutes later.

Daisy finished arranging her clothes in the wardrobe and settled down on the couch when her phone started ringing.

She picked up her phone and smiled at the caller. It was her mum.

"Hello mum, I missed you so much." Daisy beamed.

"I miss you too so how is the billionaire doing? Have he given you the money?" Daisy rolled her eyes.

"No, he hasn't, mum, and I have to stay with him for a year."

"That’s not a big deal, I wanted to tell you that I will be out of town for a few months." She beamed.