
Chapter 163: Soup 2

"Do you want to kill?" Raymond whispered in Daisy’s ear.

"What do you mean by that?" She muttered.

"Raymond, what do you think about the soup? Do you like it?" Mrs Kingston inquired, staring at Raymond. Raymond didn't utter a word. He just gave her an okay sign with his hand and took water from the table.

"Why don’t you take another sip, since it’s delicious." Mrs Kingston suggested.

Raymond drank the water quickly and dropped it on the table. He glared at his mother.

"I don’t like pumpkin soup that much." He replied.

"I thought I was your favourite." Mrs Kingston added.

"People change." he replied.

Daisy didn’t know what was going on. She wanted to know why Raymond was avoiding taking another sip of her soup.

She took a spoonful of the soup and put it in her mouth. She screwed up her face and blew out the soup in Sofia’s face.

Sofia wiped the soup off her eyes and stared at Daisy.

"How dare you!!" Sofia muttered, staring at her.

"Why is there too much chili in my soup? Don't tell me you're involved in this. Daisy stated while glaring at her.

"Just say the truth; you don’t know how to cook." Sofia snarled.

"I know how to cook more than you." Daisy replied, sticking out her tongue at her.

"Silence!!" Mr Kingston yelled.

And they all face their food and started eating.

They finished eating, and the maids cleared the table.

Raymond grabbed Daisy’s hand and started leading her up the stairs.

"Baby, where are you going?" Sofia asked, watching them go.

"Baby, who is your baby idiot?" Raymond replied, and her face flushed.

Mrs Kingston turned to look at Sofia.

"Don’t get jealous; tomorrow is your honeymoon," Mrs Kingston beamed.

"I can’t stand seeing that girl in my house. I want her out and I want you to be the only wife in this house." Mr Kingston added.

"I think that’s impossible considering that Raymond loves his wife." Richard remarked, walking to his room.

"He will love me once he gets to know me." Sofia muttered.

"I know, you are such a sweet girl." Mrs Kingston mumbled, stroking her hair.

Raymond pushed Daisy into the room and shut the door. She landed on the bed, staring at him.

"What’s your problem?" she inquired.

"Why did you put too much chili in the soup? Do you want to kill me?" he asked.

"I didn’t put too much chili; it was Sofia’s doing." Daisy replied.

"You will have to be careful when it comes to Sofia and my mum." Raymond stated, and they started hearing a knock on the door.

"Who couldn’t that be? It’s better not be that baby idiot." Raymond groaned and opened the door. To find out, it was Mr Kingston. He opened his eyes in disbelief that Mr Kingston had never come to his room before.

"What’s brings you here?" Raymond inquired.

"I came to inform you of your honeymoon tomorrow," Mr Kingston stated, standing at the door.