
Chapter 152: The boss is back



"Morning, I want you guys to report to me what has been happening during the time I was not here." He stated authoritatively, and an employee passed a file to him.


He stared at the file and smirked.


"You guys did a great job. After this meeting, I will treat you all to a meal and increase your salaries for the month." Raymond stated. 


And they all started clapping.


"Give me the next project file, I will review it." Raymond stated.


After a long day at work, Raymond drove home with Mr Josh.


Mr Josh carried his briefcase while they both walked into the house.


The bodyguards opened the main door for them as Raymond stepped a foot into the house.


Sofia ran to him and hugged him tightly with her hand wrapped around his waist. She was on his chest length.



He pushed her away violently and she staggered backwards, staring at him.


"What gives you the right to touch me?" Raymond stated coldly.


"I was just welcoming you." She beamed.


"If you ever touch me again, mark my words, I will skin you alive." He threatened pointing at her.


"Why will you skin her alive? She is your bride to be." Mrs kingston stated walking to them


"Mum, stay out of this. I don't want to insult you. Please don't let me." Raymond stated, putting his hands together.


"Let's go." He commanded Mr Josh and they both walked up the stairs.


Sofia ran to Mrs Kingston.


"You see the way he threatens me? How can I seduce him?" Sofia asked softly.


"It's easy, come I will tell you." Mrs Kingston stated and started whispering in her ear.


Raymond took off his suit and tossed it on the bed, Mr Josh grabbed the suit from the bed.


"Is Daisy back yet?" Raymond inquired.


"No, I don't think so." Mrs Josh replied. Raymond tosses his shirt to Mr Josh.


He opened the wardrobe and saw a lot of dresses inside.


"I will take the clothes to the maids for laundry." Mr Josh informed.


"Don't forget to take back my credit card from them." Raymond declared.


"No problem, boss." He said and walked out.


Raymond dashed into the bathroom.


 Daisy arrived in front of the mansion in a taxi.


She paid the driver and walked out of the taxi.


She stared at the mansion and sighed. She started walking to the entrance of the house.


When her phone started ringing, she picked up the phone and put it in her ear.


"Good evening, my love." Chris beamed.


"Evening, darling." She replied.


"So how is the money going?" He asked bluntly.


"I am still living with him, I don't know how long it will take, but we haven't talked about it." She muttered.



"Talk to him about it, I can't afford to share my girlfriend with someone." He stated.


"He is not sharing me, and you already know he is not my type." She stated confidently when she sighted Mrs Kingston and Sofia walking towards her.


"What do these two witches want now?" She mumbled


"What?" Chris inquired.


"I got to go. I will call you back." She declared and hung up.