
Chapter 151: seductive assistant

"I don't know, he just called this morning and said he quit." 


"How can you employ someone that will quit so soon?" Mrs Jennifer inquired.


"I don't know. He didn't tell me." Daisy muttered.


"Alright, hurry up and tidy up the place." She stated and walked away 



Raymond pulled up in front of a sky scraper on which Kingston electronics was boldly written. He put his hand in his pocket and strolled into the company with Mr Josh.


All the employees got up from their seats and started greeting him one after the other as he walked into the company.


A lady who has blonde hair, ran to Raymond. She was holding a file as she walked to him, holding firmly to the file.


She walked into the elevator with Mr Josh and Raymond...


She was wearing a short, seductive dress that cupped her breasts on the surface, making them visible.


"What's today's schedule?" Raymond inquired.


"You have a meeting at with our partners, and now you need to address the employees." She muttered... Battling her lashes, she was Raymond's assistant.


Raymond looked away and rested on the wall of the elevator as they waited for it to open.


Mr Josh couldn't help but notice her breasts. 


He looked at her and grabbed her breast. She slapped him hard across the face. Raymond turned to look at them.



"What's the matter?" He asked bluntly.


"This pervert just grabbed my butt." She protested, glaring at Mr Josh 


"Why did you do that?" 


"Hmm hmm." 


"Stop talking. Why did you wear such a dress to work? Are you trying to seduce me?" Raymond stated, glaring at her.


She gulped and looked up at him.


"No sir, that's not what I am trying to do." She protested.


"If we get out of this elevator, I want you to go and put on another set of clothes, or else you are fired!!" Raymond exclaimed.


"Yes, sir." She mumbled, looking down.


Mr Josh chuckled, seeing Raymond's attitude towards his assistant. Raymond turned to him and gave him a resounding slap across the face. He was stunned as he held his face in disbelief.



Raymond grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to him, staring into his eyes.


"If there is one thing i hate, it's a man molesting or harassing a lady in front of me. It gets me angry." Raymond muttered and pushed him away. He fell backwards and his back landed on the elevator.


Minutes later.


The elevator opened. Raymond walked out of the elevator with Mr Josh, while his assistant stayed in the elevator and pressed the button.


Raymond walked into the conference room with Mr Josh.


There were a lot of employees wearing suits sitting around a table. They all stood up as soon as they saw Raymond.


Raymond walked majestically to a big chair in the middle of the table and sat there. He waved his hand and all the employees sat down staring at him.



He dropped his phone on the table and crossed his legs.


"Good morning, sir." They all greeted