
Chapter 150: No clothes

She looked at herself in the mirror. The t-shirt was a little over-sized and the jeans slackened her. She started blushing and grabbed her phone from the bed. While Raymond walked into the bathroom, she opened her luggage and took out a small black bag and rushed out of the room.

She started walking out of the house when two bodyguards ran up to her.

She smile endlessly at them.         

"Where are you going, my lady?" one of them inquired.

"To work." she replied.

"This way ma, I will take you there." he said, leading her to the garage, and she followed them.

"Being his wife is not so bad after all." She muttered, then entered the car and settled down in the back seat as the bodyguard entered the car and started the engine.

Her stomach growled

"All these people fascinate me, don’t they eat in the morning." She muttered, asking no one in particular.

"I get your point, ma, but today is just not a good day. That’s why the family didn’t talk about food." The bodyguard replied.

"Was I loud?" Daisy muttered to herself and rested in the car, feeling the air conditioner as she closed her eyes.

Raymond finished bathing and started using his towel to pat his hair as Mr Josh walked into the house.

"Sir, your car is ready." He stated.

"Take my silver card and give it to one of the maids to get clothes for Daisy." Raymond declared.

"Why didn’t you give her the money to buy it herself?" he inquired.

"She has gone to work." He replied.

Raymond opened his wardrobe and took out a black suit, tossing the suit on the bed, and started wearing the shirt.

"I can’t believe I am back to my old life, It there is one thing I will like to change, it is wearing suit." Raymond muttered and took his suit from the bed and put it on. He opened the drawer. There were a lot of Rolex wrist watches in the drawer. He took one and wore it.

"Let’s go." he stated, putting an ear pud in his left ear.

He walked outside the house with Mr Josh. They walked to the garage and entered the car. Mr Josh drove off.

Daisy arrived at work and saw a lot of models standing at the entrance of the shop. She walked to open the shop and one of the employees glared at her.

"Why are you coming by this time? We have been standing here for 2 hours." She said, looking at her wrist watch.

"I am sorry. I was really far away." Daisy replied, put her key on the door and opened it.

She walked into the shop and started opening all the windows when the models walked into the shop and started coughing.

"You guys are so unprofessional." One of them commented.

"I am sorry." Daisy apologized and took a broom and started using it to mop the ground. Some of the models walked outside the shop to give her a chance to sweep when Mrs Jennifer walked up to them.

                                                    Author's note

Don't forget to rate and review as you do so may god bless you. Need to go rest now i am not feeling fine.