
Chapter 149: No clothes

She bathed in haste and walked out of the bathroom with a towel tied around her chest.

She opened the wardrobe but had no clothes. She squatted and opened her luggage no cloth.

She was screwed. She had forgotten she hadn’t brought any clothes because her clothes were rags.

She sighed and shyly turned to Raymond on the bed as water dropped from her hand and landed on his body.

He opened his eyes and stared at her.

"What do you want?" he inquired.

"Hmm, the thing is I didn’t bring any clothes." She muttered, biting her finger. Raymond’s eyes drifted to her bare chest. He couldn’t stop staring at her chest because her beasts were so huge they were literally fighting to come out of the towel.

Daisy noticed that he was staring at her chest and put her hand on her chest immediately.

"You pervert, are you going to help me or not?" she inquired, but his eyes were still there.

She lightly smacked him on the head, and he looked up at her.

"Huh, what were you saying?" He asked, dumb.

"Gosh! I say I didn’t bring any clothes and I need to go to work." She stated pissed.

"You can wear my clothes, I will send the maids to buy clothes for you later." He stated.

"Your clothes?" she asked, raising her brow.

"Yes, or do you have another solution?" he inquired.

"Do you have a skirt I can borrow?" she asked.

"Hell no, I am not a woman." he replied. She walked to the wardrobe and picked out a red t-shirt and blue jeans.

She glared at him and walked into the bathroom.

Raymond put his hand behind his back and stared at the door. For some reason, he couldn’t take his eyes off Daisy and it was killing him.

He heard a knock on the door.

"Yes, come in." he commanded, and Mr Josh walked into the room and handed him a phone.

"Hello," he muttered.

"Good morning boss, I heard you are back. you need to come to work to sort some things out. Some of our clients are refusing to partner with us without you." The person stated Raymond looked at Mr Josh and ran his hands through his hair.

He had completely forgotten that he had a company.

"I will be on my way." He declared before hanging up the phone.

"Why didn’t you tell me earlier?" He inquired.

"I couldn’t with all this happening."

"Go get the car." Raymond said and walked to the bathroom. He was about to open it when he realized that the door was locked..

"I nearly forget that I have a wife." He muttered and knocked on the door.

"Are you done?" he asked.

"Almost." Daisy replied.

"Hurry up, I need to use the bathroom." Raymond stated.

Daisy finished wearing the clothes and walked out of the bathroom. As soon as Raymond laid eyes on her, he started laughing.

"What is wrong?" she asked.

"Just look at you." He said, still laughing.