
Chapter: 144: force marriage

Daisy went back to the couch to sleep.


The next day. 


The maids came knocking on their door as they started hearing noises coming from downstairs.


Daisy opened her eyes and climbed down from the couch. She put on her flip flops and walked to the door. She opened the door and saw two maids standing at the door.


"Good morning ma, you need to come downstairs now." The maid stated, with their legs wobbling.


"What is the matter?" She inquired 


"We can't tell you, you need to come see for yourself." They stated this and walked away.


Daisy walked into the bathroom and switched on the tap. She took water in her hand and used it to wash her face. She looked at the mirror and sighed.


"I wonder what is happening?" She muttered and walked out of the bathroom. She was about to leave the room when she decided to wake Raymond. She walked to him and started tapping him on the shoulder. He grunted and looked at her.


"What do you want?" He said rudely 


"The maids say something is happening downstairs; we need to go check it out." She stated and they started hearing Mr Marcus's voice from downstairs.


"Go, I am coming." He said and dashed into the bathroom. 


She walked out of the room and started walking down the stairs when she saw Mr Marcus holding a gun Mr Kingston at gunpoint. 


As Richard and Mrs. Kingston knelt, Mr. Kingston put his hand in the air, terrified.


Sofia glared at Daisy as soon as she saw her.


She walked over to Daisy and walked around her.


"Why do you look so familiar? What are you doing here?" Sofia inquired.


"She is Raymond's wife." Mrs Kingston stated.


"Wife? So Raymond leaves me for this thing. she is not even that beautiful." Sofia said, touching Daisy's face, and Daisy hit her hand off her face.


"How dare you touch me." Daisy snapped.


Sofia gave Daisy a resounding slap across the face.


Daisy responded with her slap that echoed. Sofia held her cheek, which was now red, fighting back the tears in her eyes.


"How dare you touch my daughter with you filthy hands? Wait until I teach you a lesson." Mr Marcus said and walked closer to Daisy. He dragged her violently by the hand and tossed her to the floor, pointing the gun at her head.


Sofia walked to them and kicked Daisy in the stomach 


"Arrgh." Daisy grunted in pain as she held her stomach.


"What is going on here?" Raymond asked, running down the stairs.


"Wow, it's the man of the show. I was just waiting for you, get your ass here." Mr Marcus muttered


"Pardon?" Raymond inquired, raising a brow.


"You will have to get married to my daughter today, whether the devil likes it or not." Mr Marcus stated and turned to look at the body guards stationed at the entrance of the house.


"Get the priest." Mr Marcus declared, and they ran out.


Raymond took out his phone from his pocket and called the police.




"This is the police how may I help you?" 


"I..." Raymond was about to talk when Mr Marcus pointed the gun at his head.


"If you talk, I will shoot you." He threatened and snatched the phone from him.


The bodyguards walk into the house with the priest.


Mr kingston smirked at seeing the priest.


"Wed them!" Mr Marcus declared


"Okay sir." The priest said, bowing slightly as he held his bible close to his chest.


Sofia smiled widely and walked to the priest 


Mr Marcus pushed Raymond closer to Sofia, Raymond looked at the priest.


"Please don't wed us, I am already married." Raymond protested


 "I am afraid I can't get these two people married because this guy is already married. This marriage will not be valued in society because he already has a wife." The priest stated 


"I don't care, do what I say!!" Marcos declared 


"I will do a quick wedding then, where is the ring?" He inquired.


"Guards, bring the ring!!" Mr Marcus yelled, and one of them ran to him with two sets of diamond rings.


Daisy was just looking at them with her hand still on her stomach when she noticed the smile on Mrs Kingston's and her husband's faces.


She glared at Sofia as she took one of the rings, smiling widely, and tried to take Raymond's hand when he hid his hand behind his back.


"Give her your hand, you nitwit." Mr Marcus declared, using his gun to hit Raymond on the head.


He slowly stretched his hand towards her and she wanted to wear him the ring. When she noticed a golden ring in his hand, she removed the ring and tossed it to Daisy.


Daisy stared at the ring on the floor. Sofia slipped the ring onto his finger; it was like they measured his size before purchasing the ring.


She started clapping and started at Mrs Kingston, who also started clapping.


She took the other ring and handed it to Raymond.


"Wear me," she beamed.


"I am not wearing you." He refused.


"You are trying me pretty boy, you don't know what I can do." Mr Marcus snapped and fired the gun at the ceiling.


Raymond became frightened and wore Sofia the ring. She looked at her hand and smiled widely at him.


"Do you, Raymond Kingston take Sofia Marcus to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health till death do you path?" The priest inquired.


But Raymond didn't respond. He pursed his lips and glared at Sofia. He saw Mr Josh walking into the house and smirked, hoping he would help him.


"Seize him." Mr Marcus instructed, and two bodyguards held Mr Josh. 


Raymond screwed up his face. 




"I...I" Raymond paused and stared at his mum.


"I do." He mumbled. And Sofia squealed.


The priest asked her, and she yelled 


"I do!!" spreading her hands in the air.


"So my big brother is getting married to a second wife, and she just has to be sofia." Richard commented. Glaring at her.


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