
Chapter 145: Force marriage

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife." The priest stated, Raymond was furious as he stepped back with a frown on his face, stealing a glance at his father, who was smiling endlessly.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest stated Raymond opened his eyes wide in surprise as Sofia moved closer to him with a pout and Raymond collapsed on the ground. Everyone was stunned as Mr Marcus used his leg to kick him violently in the arm, but Raymond didn’t respond. Sofia squatted down and started tapping on his face.

"Dad, what is wrong with Raymond?" Sofia asked, with her lips trembling.

Daisy ran to them, and she was about to touch Raymond when Sofia pushed her away.

"Go away, he is my husband." She snapped               

"He is just pretending. Guards, get me a cup of water." Mr Marcus declared

"Priest, you may leave." Mr Kingston stated, rising from the ground, followed by his wife, the priest started walking out of the house, and Mr Josh struggled with the body guards and ran to Raymond, Mr Josh put his ear on Raymond’s chest.

"Wake up, boss, don’t die on me."

"How dramatic! Give me that!!" Mr Marcus stated and snitched the cup of water from the body guard. He put a small quantity of water on his hand and sprinkled it on Raymond’s face, but he didn’t respond. So Richard and Mr Josh carried Raymond from the floor and carried him upstairs to his room. They laid him on the bed, Daisy got up and started walking towards the room when Mrs Kingston and Sofia held her hand at the same time and dragged her violently to their front.

"Where do you think you are going, bitch?" Sofia stated, glaring at her.

"I am going to meet my husband. Who else?" Daisy snarled.

"You are going nowhere. he is my husband, not yours." Sofia stated and started walking away while Mrs Kingston stood akimbo, glaring at Daisy.

"So what do we do with her now?" Mr Marcus inquired

"Let's throw her out of the house." Mr Kingston stated

"As much as I hate to admit it, she is still legally married to him, so we can’t throw her out of the house. Raymond will be furious when he wakes up." Mrs Kingston declared

"So what do we do with her? Just allow her to stay with Raymond?" Mr Marcus asked.

"Guards, take her to the guest room and lock her up." Mr Kingston commanded, and the body guards ran to Daisy and dragged her violently to the guest room.

They threw her into the room, and she landed on her face. They shut the door behind her and she started banging on the door.

"Let me out of here!!"  she yelled.

"She is so noisy, what do you think Raymond will do when he wakes up?" Mr Kingston stated

"What’s with you and your son are you scared of him?" Mr Marcus stated, walking out of the house with Mr Kingston, he stared at the guards stationed at the entrance of the house.