
Chapter 143: House rules

"I am sorry, you know I like going straight to the point," he muttered.

"Alright, continue going straight to the point. I will hang up." She threatened

"Just chill, okay, and make sure no one gets in our way of getting that money." He stated.

"Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone although his parents are nitwits." She stated.

"Don’t’ mind them, I gotta go babe duty calls." He stated.

"Alright bye, have a nice day." She beamed and hung up.

She looked at Raymond and relaxed on the bed. Raymond suddenly got up from the bed and lay across her. He held her hand above her head as she glared at him, trying to break free from his grip.

"Just because I offered to pay you, doesn’t mean you have the right to bad mouth my parents. I don’t know who you were talking to, but that is not allowed in this house." He stated, and she looked at him with a frozen expression.

"What do you mean it is not allowed?"

"I offered to pay you money, but I won’t tolerate your attitude in my house." He said, and she started laughing.

"Are you threatening me?" she asked bluntly.

"Stop laughing. You are testing my patience." He stated, glaring at her.

He let go of her and rolled to the other side of the bed, staring into her eyes.

"As long as you are under the same roof as me, you will learn to respect my parents, since you are pretending to be my wife, and secondly, there will be rules consigning how we will live in this room, starting from the bed." He said and pushed her off the bed. She landed on the floor and glared at him.

"One more thing, there will be rules on how you dress, and we can’t use the things in this room at the same time, i will tell you about the dos and don’ts in my house tomorrow." He stated and relaxed on the bed.

"So you are asking me to sleep on the couch?" she asked, staring at the couch.

"Where else are you going to sleep on my head?" he asked, and she glared at him and jumped on the bed.

"What are you doing? Go down."  he stated, struggling with her.

"No, I didn’t sign any contract, so I can’t abide by your rules." She muttered.

"Then I can refuse to pay you." He stated her eyes widened.

"You wouldn’t dare." She said, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Then try me, get down now!!" he declared, with his voice slightly raised. She jumped down from the bed, glaring at him, and opened the wardrobe. She took out a blanket and settled down on the couch, and use the blanket to cover herself glaring at him on the bed.

"Come off the light." He commanded.

"The lamp is literally next to you." She whined.

"I said, come and off the lamp." He repeated.

"Arrgh." She grunted and removed the blanket from her body, and angrily walked to turn off the light.