
Chapter 142: Hungry lion

"Why is she being so mean to me?" Daisy inquired.

"You don’t know that she has another girl who she wanted Raymond to get married to." Richard whispered.

"Richard, stop talking to your brother’s wife," Mrs Kingston snarled, dragging the wife.

Mr Kingston cleared his throat and looked at Daisy.

"Where is Raymond?" he inquired.

"He said he wasn’t hungry." She replied.

"Hmm." He replied and the maids started arranging different cuisines on the table as Daisy took a spoon from the table and started licking her lips as she stared at the food. She hasn’t seen so much rich food in her life before.

Mrs Kingston noticed the way she was staring at the food and glared at her, but Daisy didn’t care. They all started eating. Daisy was eating like a pig as she packed the food into her mouth. And some of the food was falling off her mouth. She didn’t care as she was eating like a hungry lion.

"So Raymond brought a hungry street rat for us to feed." Mrs Kingston remarked, and Daisy opened her eyes wide in surprise and realized that they were all staring at her. She smiled nervously and started chewing the food in her mouth.

"Eat slowly next time." Richard replied, and she nodded and started eating.

When they finished eating, the maids cleared the table.

Daisy started walking towards the stairs when Richard held her hand. She turned to look at him and pulled her hand from his grip.

"What?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Since when did you and my brother start dating? That even led to marriage. Something is not right." Richard started stroking his chin.

"Think whatever you want to think. I don’t care, it you want to know, ask your brother." Daisy confidently stated and walked out on him.

She walked into the room and saw Raymond sleeping on the bed with his socks on. She wanted to ignore it, but she couldn’t. She removed the socks for him and covered him well with the duvet.

She walked to the other side of the bed and climbed into the bed. She pulled the duvet up to her chest and waved her hand in Raymond’s face. She sighed and rested her head on the pillow when her phone started ringing.

She took the phone and it was Chris calling .

She picked up the call.

"Hello." She beamed.

"How is everything going?" he inquired.

"It’s fine, I am there already, although these rich people are crazy." She whined, looking at Raymond.

"Why do you say that?" Chris  asked.

"They have been forcing their son to get married to a girl he doesn’t like since the beginning of this year and they are not giving up." She muttered.

"Don’t mind them, all I know is that you are doing well to get him to pay you the money." He stated

"All you think about is money, you didn’t even ask me if I was okay." She whined.

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